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Everything posted by Terrierman

  1. James River.
  2. No joke. And neither is having a place to live. I''ll bet anybody here they won't trade places with any of those rich homeless people. Let's make it $500 but it has to be for a week.
  3. I can't resist a deal like that. You're on.
  4. The internet is going ape over the tigers today. I mean they played real good and won but seriously: Magnum Opus?
  5. That news is so old it's hard for me to imagine many normal people still care. I was in USMC boot camp when I was 18. You made your choice, I made mine. I'm proud of mine.
  6. Hey, what branch of the service were you in any way you great big ole patriot you? Never mind, I already know you and your hero both took the easy way out. Your faux outrage is tiresome and frankly (to channel your hero for a moment} it's an embarassment.
  7. You seem mad about everything.
  8. Quite a story.
  9. Mizzou played a nice game. It was fun to watch, thanks for the reminder Jeff. College ball - any of the games - are all just minor leagues for the pros, just like always. The only difference is the players are finally getting theirs. It really doesn't bother me. About Kaepernick. He made a bad choice and paid the price. Didn't spoil anything for me. Now the Chiefs offense, that's a different matter, they've spoiled a few afternoons this year. Reminds me of the old Chiefs and their ability to find new ways to lose. Sad.
  10. What an opening. Pete, I'll save this one for you. Have fun.
  11. Looks like a fine time to me.
  12. For you Wrench. Bing Videos
  13. Couch. Couch. Seriously. Those estrogen shots can be awful.
  14. When is the last time you saw a Mission Impossible movie? Good masks can do wonders.
  15. ^^ That's gonna make life easier.
  16. I can bring a mini weber, charcoal, venison bratwurst, kraut, buns and decent mustard. Weather permitting of course, as others have said.
  17. Assuming decent weather, I'm in for lunch. I can bring some venison bratwurst if anyone thinks that sounds good.
  18. It's a legit great time with some great people. You should come.
  19. Back in 1972, I was in the Philippines. It was pretty wild west to say the least. In Olongapo, there were street vendors hibachi grilling skewers of "monkey meat". It was actually pretty good. Even then I was enough of a skeptic to know that rats had to be a lot easier to come by in that city than monkeys. The recipe had to be pretty simple, guessing mostly just salt.
  20. There's a rumor you started that the more $$ Phil raises the longer he has to stay in. Where'd you hear that first Jeff?
  21. You're no hardcase.
  22. I can't believe that either.
  23. Phil I'd like to get this back on track. Please PM me with a suggested amount and a donation will be forthcoming. How about some of the rest of you hard cases buck up too. Poor and hungry is no way to be and If I need to help a bit well, I am fortunate enough to do it and most of you guys are too. So let's make Phil proud what say?
  24. Hey Cody how about a batch of Cowboy Caviar for a Friday appertizer? Or if you want something else just let me know. Also what do you mix with your vodka?
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