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Everything posted by Terrierman

  1. If you're throwing up pieces of your esophagus, no doctor is ever going to say your throat is OK. Of that I am 100% certain.
  2. Call me crazy but if I'd had throat cancer and experienced a cure, about the last thing I would be putting down my gullet would be liquor in any form or flavor. Especially so after hearing about my former father-in-law's death from throat cancer. But hey, nobody lives forever so do carry on.
  3. I've got a pair of waders - boot foot made with urethane coated cordura that have to be 25 years old now and are still waterproof. Bought them on a duck hunting trip at Everhart's in Clinton. Not insulated so not that great for late season duck hunting. But darn have they held up. Not breathable, no zipper to pee and not modern. If they still made them though, that would be my recommendation.
  4. I thought I'd get a better argument than that. Something about you being a charming conversationalist and a good cook and someone who will support me in my dotage. You know, something more convincing.🤪
  5. I'd take 14 animals over one you.🥵
  6. How about a trade then? I've got a bossy hen that would make a great addition to the Hamilton Household....
  7. Terrierman


    I fry fish cut into finger sized pieces. 350 degree oil (one of those laser temperature doo dads works better than a thermometer in the oil) and only until the fish floats. Even channel cat is OK done that way as long as it's cleaned right. Medium sized blue >>> than any channel ever though.
  8. A quiet squirrel dog is the shiznits. Is he for sale?
  9. You've gotten a heads up so watch it buster.😲
  10. Perfect shot placement. That is going to be good venison.
  11. Terrierman


    And the texture is not appealing to me either. To me it's better grilled than any other way but still lower on the ladder than just about anything other than freshwater drum. Either would be welcome if you were lost at sea for a few weeks and ran out of moldy hardtack.
  12. Friday morning here it was -11, wind about 30 MPH and maybe three inches of snow. Must have been a lot nicer there for anybody to go outside barefoot and not even know it.
  13. As much as I dislike useless killing, coyotes, skunks and armadillos do not fall under my protection.
  14. I have never had anything bad happen to me in Milo. Which to be a pedantist, is a town. Or actually near there either, unless you count a massacre or two on some of those ponds you've posted pictures of. Back before there were laws about that sort of thing. You live in a killer's heaven.
  15. Live and learn.
  16. I never considered Milo a destination, but live and learn.
  17. Them cute doctors can be trouble. She's on to you with the shots to reduce testosterone. I got a cute one too and she gives me shots to increase testosterone in spite of Lovey telling her no need, have a little mercy.
  18. Good luck at your doctor appointment. Hope you are thinking a little clearer today.
  19. You've got a very nice boat.
  20. Purple, because ice cream has no bones.
  21. OK, you win.
  22. He's fishing bait on the bottom, not a C rig. And as long as the weight won't slide over the bobber stop, it WILL work.
  23. I was not aware they did that either but some google searching convinced me you are right with the concern.
  24. Yes.
  25. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    Breakfast for dinner. The French Toast is with our hen eggs, milk, nutmeg, cinnamon and Billethead honey to sweeten the batter. Bread is homemade white (not mine) from Lillihobs just south of the Ark/Mo line. A great little place for baked goods and sandwiches. Sausage is J.C. Williams Sage - it is spicy sausage as it should be. The honey in the batter is a difference maker, really a nice flavor. Done the right way, in some decent cast iron. Thanks BH!
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