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Everything posted by Terrierman

  1. I can answer that one. It's Phil's site and they're Phil's rules.
  2. Just so long as you are aware. Thanks
  3. You need to check the forum rules revisited posted yesterday. You might also want to edit the quoted post.
  4. If you have a tester - find the running light on the vehicle. Connect brown wire to that one. Then keep checking. Green wire to right turn, yellow wire to left turn. White wire is ground.
  5. Plastic has its place. But probably not as a bridge girder. Pipe is a different matter altogether. The bedding provides most of the strength / crush resistance (for plastic pipe at least). Piling forms? Cardboard is fine.
  6. I've got a 6'6" MF TFO spinning rod that is a real dandy IMHO.
  7. Bridge girders. Plastic bridge girders.
  8. Just a couple of quick comments - Nobody needs an explanation of misspelling profanity. No go now. Discussions of various agencies, MDC, DNR, COE, AGFC to me are fair game. Bringing elected officials or how people vote into a discussion are political and won't flush anymore. Personal insults are hard to define but easy to spot. No more empty suit comments or similar. Nobody said joking around and having fun is a problem. I do it all the time. So do carry on and have a good time. I don't have an axe to grind here other than respect. For Phil, his website and hopefully you all for each other. Best to all.
  9. Then I don't want one.
  10. What is the material?
  11. So. Forrest got a new drive wheel yesterday, blade sharpened and changed the air in all the tires. Wow, talk about a new lease on life! Pro tip: When sharpening lawnmower blades, avoid contacting grinder wheel with your knuckle, even for a very short period of time.🥵
  12. The one I'm looking at on Amazon is oil filled and water cooled. $255.Amazon.com: High-Pressure Electric Air Compressor Pump 4500 PSI 30 MPa 300 BAR High Pressure System Rifle PCP Paintball Fill Station for Fire Fighting and Diving (30Mpa): Home Improvement
  13. You can buy a 4500 PSI compressor for what a carbon tank costs. And then stay home.
  14. Les. What could he possibly know....😂
  15. Not a hand pump. I want something to plug in. About the cast iron. There's a family and friends thing going on with admiration on the cookware. So you're good there. And with the MartyQ sauce too I might add. .25 it is then.
  16. There's one more choice for you.
  17. These guys are a lot of fun too.
  18. Ear hair or nose hair, those are your choices these days.
  19. You know I don't have any hair. What's wrong with you anyway?
  20. The Low Gap Cafe is not to be missed. Honest to Pete fine dining in the Buffalo River country, Low Gap Cafe | Menu
  21. I'm going to get one. What caliber do I want? Also please recommend a pump and a scope. YOUR BRAIN is being picked! It better be good too, or else. And you really don't want to know what else is so don't go there.
  22. Pea Ridge is a place that will make you wonder what it must have been like during Civil War times. Take 7 from Harrison on the way down. Hit Pea Ridge on the way home.
  23. A wet hand towel is how to handle fish once they come out of the net. Rubber net. You are way less likely to drop the fish and it's a lot easier on the slime layer they need.
  24. So. You got me thinking Marty. I'm interested in a good - not Olympic grade - air rifle and scope mostly for fun on paper. budget maybe $500 or so for combo. suggestions?
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