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Everything posted by Terrierman

  1. Hey Wrench: I've got a Craftsman push mower with a Honda engine. Should I use Craftsman oil or Honda oil? Also should I mow in ever shrinking squares or mow back and forth in straight lines?
  2. Just get your own dern goat and tie it to a tree. Water bucket will need filled maybe once a week. Move the goat when you fill the bucket. And then sell the goat later for a couple of grand. Thing is, if you do this, the idea is mine, and patented and you will owe me one of those grand. I can loan you $50 to buy the goat if you're a little short.
  3. we're going to do an inshore guide at least one day when the weather is good.
  4. Leave May 18. Home May 25. Have a great trip!
  5. Agreed. Especially my way, on an aircraft carrier.
  6. That's too easy. My way is lots harder.
  7. Pretty sure it's two ropes and you throw him over the bow with one rope on each side and drag the offender the length of the ship. It's particularly rough to get keelhauled when you serve on an Aircraft Carrier.
  8. We got roundtrip flights from Springfield to Fort Lauderdale for $308. Didn't think that was too bad.
  9. Our favorite Italian restaurant here in Ozark - Salvatore's - has gone to 5 days and they don't even try to answer the phone for carry out anymore. It's a what the heck situation for sure.
  10. Right about now, uncleoneshot and oneshot1 are thanking their lucky stars for thread drift....
  11. There is no try. Only do. Yoda.
  12. My first and best Jack Russell, Bucky, would fight you for another nutter butter peanut butter sandwich cookie. I'd always let him win.
  13. If I lived in Kirbyville and wanted to catch walleye, I'd be driving east instead of west. And not very far east either.😎
  14. There's a metric ton of pent up demand further complicated by another metric ton of slow/low/no production magnified by a third metric ton of spendable money due to lack of activity during covid and massive infusions of stimulus money over the last year. And then factor in the big weather hiccup plus the fact that it's spring, AND everything seems to be finally breaking loose. Should not be difficult to understand why supplies of lots of things are short and prices are high. To Phil's original question: It sure looks like inflation to me.
  15. I could explain, but I'm too polite.
  16. Hunting and fishing for food for 90% of us is far and away the most expensive way there is to eat. But, it's organic. So we got that going for us.
  17. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

  18. Camera is one way. And rewarding I would think.
  19. Somehow, Super Dave and wanderlust don't seem to belong in the same sentence.🙃
  20. I'm as likely to ever get an I Phone as I am to get a Mac. Those who like them, carry on. Just don't be like a Jehovah Witness and try to get me to change my ways at this late date.
  21. Well, I'm one of the apple haters. First and every other smart phone I've ever had was an android and as long as they keep making them that's all I will ever have. It's all what you get used to. Wife WAS an android user but bought an apple because what snaggletooth said. She's still lost on that phone after a year. Don't switch operating systems, ever or you'll be lost too. I started out with a Motorola and like you I was fine with it. Now I'm on a Samsung Galaxy that's about ten generations old but it is still a great phone - takes good pictures and does everything else I want it to do. When ever we're traveling and need to know something that a phone can tell you, guess what lovey does... Sorry but no help on your current Moto but good luck.
  22. I mailed a check to my electric co-op from the mailbox at the end of the driveway. It wound up being used at Wal-Mart for about $300 worth of stuff. Wal-Mart had to eat that one since they didn't require any ID. Reported it to postmaster and Christian County Sheriff Department. They both acted like how dumb can you be to actually mail a check from a rural box. So I don't mail anything from that box anymore, take it to town to a drop box or the Post Office. We have a PO box for our business mail. It's often noon before mail makes it into our box. We regularly receive mail that's postmarked two weeks or longer prior to receipt. USPS stinks if you ask me.
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