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Everything posted by Terrierman

  1. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    Of course. It's been a long long very long time but once upon a time in an earlier century I cooked at the White Grill in Nevada. Talk about a seasoned grill. Mine will get there in a while too.
  2. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    I like those things too, as long as I can have beer and some crackers with.
  3. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    I don't know what's cooking yet but I do know it's going to be something on the new Blackstone flat top that lovey ordered me for my birthday. 😎
  4. It's a lot bigger than an Oscar or a Super Bowl Trophy. A lot bigger.
  5. Terrierman

    Ho Ho Ho

    He probably means a garden weasel. I've got one he can have if he wants to come pick it up.
  6. Cowboy boots were not developed as a fashion statement. Kind of like blue jeans. But they both are in today's world.
  7. Well! That seems a little snippy.😡
  8. We still want to know all about that big trophy you won.
  9. 68 is no big deal! I shot a 68 once. On the front nine.
  10. I'll never ever and yes, that's a long time, be in a kayak on Taneycomo. Ever. You're a good smart boater Phil. There are a lot of people on Taneycomo who aren't.
  11. So dish about the trophy old man.😎
  12. Terrierman


    Pretty sure the politics forum got shut down. But as long as we don't care, did you see where Arkansas banned transgender sports? Now THAT'S important.
  13. Let me know when. I'll meet you down there for a lesson. Are you vaccinated yet?
  14. I want to know too.
  15. Because you catch bigger fish and more fish than I do. And you're still "working".
  16. One of the springtime chores around here is to drain & clean the hot tub and put in fresh water. What a job, spent five minutes washing the filter and another five minutes washing off the patio where it sits. Now I have to go drink a beer and watch it fill. And be thankful I don't have to light any fires or chop any wood to get it hot. Just turn it back on and wait about 12 hours. Rough around here it is. That's how Yoda taught me to talk.
  17. You used to look tough.😎
  18. Every big fish started out as a little fish.
  19. Carrying guns around is a sign you're a scared wimp. Guns in the house? You guess. In Wal-Mart? Let's just say not a scared anything. Life around here is good, as in most everywhere.
  20. That kid in the video could be my grandson. Buffalo are cool fish, except when there's a plate of fried buffalo ribs some fresh cut french fries and slaw in front of you.
  21. That's how you wind up on the floor out in the shop trying to put dogs away. One and done.
  22. Check that mirror. You never know.
  23. I thought you were rich. Head on down to Spa Heaven and get a nice one delivered. What you have in mind won't work. No insulation, no pump, no filters, no cover, no jets, no steps, no seats, no lights, no music. And it takes some BTU's to get that much water hot, even with insulation and a good cover. So give it up and spend some of that rich man money. Plus- you'll spend as much on that homemade crap set up as you would on a decent unit. You're 67. Time to start getting smart.
  24. To do it right, what Flysmallie said - and then shoot automotive lacquer followed with a clear coat.
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