I have fifteen doves in the crockpot right now. S&P and a little Head Country on the breasts, then in the crockpot. They're braising in a cup of Sweet Baby Ray's original and a cup of root beer. The smell is intriguing to say the least. When we're ready to eat, I'll take the dove breasts out of the crockpot, put them on some parchment paper on a cookie sheet, brush with some more BBQ sauce and brown them under the broiler. Sides will be baked sweet potato, green salad and corn on the cob.
I'm hopeful. It was really hard not to do bacon wrapped dove jalapeno poppers. But I'm trying to climb out of a rut.
I cook corn on the cob fully immersed, not steamed. Add about a tbsp. of salt, tbsp. of sugar and 1/2 cup of milk to the boiling liquid. Does anyone else do similar?
2nd edit: I got a monkey jones on my back. Serious wonder about what BH sauce would do.....