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Everything posted by Terrierman

  1. Amighetti is a darn good sandwich too.
  2. Thanks again to the usual suspects for getting another thread locked. Sincerely, your beloved moderator.
  3. I was offered an aortic aneurysm screening at the checkup. I took a pass because a rupture there is about the easiest way to leave this Earthly plane. Chronic illness is different than a quick checkout.
  4. You should know by now how much cheaper it is to keep someone healthy than it is to treat disease. Case in point. My first endoscopy showed five stomach ulcers and four polyps. Got the polyps removed with no problems then or until now. I do cologuard now. The ulcers were another matter. A bleeding ulcer is no laughing matter. Up until I knew the deal I ate rolaids by the handful and drank baking soda in water several times a day. Neither of which did anything except mask the symptoms. I now take an over the counter prilosec every day. No heartburn and no ulcers either. So go ahead and thank me now for keeping myself from becoming a burden to society by needing emergency surgery for a bleeding ulcer. A pill a day man. One pill a day. I'm just one example.
  5. I just had my annual wellness check/physical. Other than my ortho issues which are healing up, It appears I'm in good health. Sorry Wrench, it's nice to know.
  6. My fishing partner caught two nurse sharks while we were tarpon fishing in the Keys. Boring.
  7. My two tomato plants are exactly the opposite. Bushy as all get out, loaded with tomatoes and only one vine tied to the trellis.
  8. Small or reasonable? Remember, you get what you pay for.
  9. As fine of a day I ever spent on Table Rock Lake was with you and grandsons on a graduation present fishing trip. I got to know you better at a couple of jigfests. The name I have for you is friend.
  10. In a boat. With the rod right in front of me resting on the rail. A proud moment.
  11. I lost a rod night fishing on Stockton while I was looking right at it. Happened way too fast for me to do anything about it.
  12. You're gonna make me throw up if you don't knock it off with all the A** Kissing. Even if it's true.
  13. Ariat is a good work boot,
  14. There've been some good times with that boat and the boys, dogs and whippoorwills. There are about a thousand more pictures floating around somewhere. Keep looking amigo, keep looking.
  15. Somebody is going to want it. It really is a top shelf canoe. Mad River Royalex = somebody wants it. Edit: Gavin is no stranger to top shelf either. He's got nice boats now. But there is the N+1 theory to factor in.
  16. Locked for now. Can't believe a thread like this is going sideways. But it is. Anyone who disagrees, PM me or any of the other moderators.
  17. I made myself watch "Saving Private Ryan" yesterday. And the full series of "Band of Brothers" last week. Anyone who doesn't fully appreciate the sacrifice and hardships conquering Germany involved needs their head examined. My mother was in the first graduating class of enlisted WAVES in WWII. My dad flew on B-24's with the Army Air Force. My mother's brother was a USN Corpsman in the South Pacific. My uncle by marriage was in the USMC, in North Africa among other places. A family tradition that was the norm in those times. IMHO, it's a crying shame that our country now has very few veterans in positions of leadership. And the vast majority of the population of the U.S. doesn't even know an active duty service member. Disrespect for veterans coming from the highest levels too. It all comes from no skin in the game. "Thank you for your service" are now mostly empty rote words that are intended to make the speaker feel better, not so much the person hearing them. Rant over.
  18. It is. Done that too.
  19. My canoe days are over. So the best boat I ever had is now for sale. Mad River Legend 15. Designed for light tandem or solo loaded. Royalex. Kevlar skid plates put on when the boat was new. You will not find a better more respected brand than Mad River and this boat is one of their best. This boat has not been used hard or put away wet. Always stored under cover. $1500 for the forum. Seat backer and paddles thrown in. USMC sticker stays here. In a week it goes on FB market place. This one's gonna sting a little, but it's time. So here's your opportunity.
  20. RIP Lefty. We lost a good one. Kind to everyone, I'm going to miss him.
  21. I'm really glad you enjoy that enough to go to all the trouble. It does look and sound really good. When I still squirrel hunted, we made squirrel cacciatore often. It's a good way to deal with the tough ones. Basically pan fried like yours and then stewed in Italian gravy with lots of peppers, onions and garlic. Your choice of pasta to serve it over. Bowties were my usual.
  22. Wear gloves. Which you should be doing anyway with what you've got going on. They'll also help with protecting your hands in the event of another fall.
  23. Somewhat. Take the correct precautions is the take away.
  24. Chemotherapy Safety | American Cancer Society Read this and show it to her.
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