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Everything posted by Terrierman

  1. I still owe you a picture of the new rope. 😉 I'm kind of excited to try those elaztech critters and swimbaits.
  2. Good Great way to live a life. Congratulations!
  3. Baits are built. Only glued my fingers to one bait. My riverbox is pretty simple. Picking up the boys this afternoon in Jasper. Going out for dinner tonight at the place of their choice. Sure it will be hot but we will start early and have fun regardless.
  4. I've been eating good tomatoes for nearly a month. Our price cutter has a small section of heirlooms that are very good. Mostly brandywine with a few Cherokee purple now and then. Lately the produce stands nearly all have good vine ripened tomatoes that are grown outdoors in dirt. Thankfully!
  5. One of my standard breakfasts is a scrambled egg, cheese and jalapeno quesadilla. I like spicy but habanero's and anything hotter are on the other side of my line. But do carry on, it makes me sweat just to read about what you guys are eating.
  6. Yum. My kind of stuff.🎯
  7. Update: I just rubbed down all the wood with boiled linseed oil. Don't want to do a partial report or anything. Photo of the second coat going on tomorrow for John. I need a new piece of rope too, so will stop by the Ace Hardware while I'm out to buy some more tomatoes. I'll photo that tomorrow too John.
  8. Some will recall me getting asked if I fish. There's a two grandson and one friend and one old man day float happening on 7/23/22. I'll keep you all informed on progress. It's supposed to be 100+ on Saturday. We'll need to start early. Today is the first day of prep for the trip. Got the canoe down from the top of the shop lean to and hosed it out good. I've got two kayaks (in the background) and one is coming with the young men. So we're going to need the trailer. Pictures or it didn't happen, right John? So this is for you. Tomorrow I'll do something else.
  9. Plus they have clean restrooms and free ice water.🙃
  10. Wall is a neat little very historic town. Got to love those badlands. And Wall Drug is a must whenever we drive by.
  11. Of course there are Jackalopes. Otherwise how could there be a Jackalope University? I've seen hundreds of them, starting with the one on the wall in the hardware store in Nevada Mo. when I was a kid.
  12. Just FYI it's going to be 105 Tuesday.
  13. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    It was good for sure. But I watched a cooking show last week where they did the real thing. My issues: 1. There's no such thing as a sport pepper in any of the grocery stores I go to in Springfield. I subbed pepperoncini sliced lengthwise. Still pretty good. 2. Or a poppy seed bun a little bigger than average hot dog bun. The one you see is a brioche bun from HyVee. Still pretty good. Mine wasn't steamed but was warmed on the grill. 3. I didn't have any celery salt in the cabinet. No excuse sir. The rest of everything else, onions, mustard, relish and especially the tomato would be fine anywhere in Chicago.
  14. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    My pale imitation of a Chicago Dog. Best I could do with local ingredients.
  15. I have a wonderful 20 x 48 Shawnee with a 9.9 Yamaha 2 stroke that runs like a 15 if you know what I mean. Trailer and boat cover. Titles in hand. Delivered to your door for only $19,995.
  16. I do. Not as often as I would like, but yes, I do. Two grandkids and one of their friends are coming down later this month for a Finley float. Far prefer moving water to any lake. My reports are very boring and a waste of bandwidth which is why they are very few and far between.
  17. So far, I'm doing a pretty good job of keeping my trap shut. That's not because I don't have anything to say, it's because just because.
  18. To me, that is a big one.
  19. Small chrome kastmaster or the old classic red and white daredevil both still catch fish.
  20. You're better off being a Nancy than a Karen. At least you got that going for you.🎯
  21. I rather liked it. It could get harsh but it's pretty hard to hurt my feelings. Especially since I don't have any. On balance though, you're probably right Pete.
  22. I really don't think it's my place to discuss other posters on the site.
  23. Phil decided that it was just too mean and ugly without moderation and shut it down. Which is totally his call. I participated there a lot before the end. I can testify there was a lot of heat and not just friendly heat. There was a pretty small number of regular participants, and everybody knew where everybody else stood. It served mainly as a place to vent one's spleen and I understand why Phil didn't care for it.
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