I can bring some Spam, Vienna Sausage with aspic, and maybe some crappie and blue cat fillets to pitch in for either a fish fry or an etoufee. Well, forget the maybe part. The fish is coming.
My shoulders are both totally screwed. As the old fart says, reaching out is over. But. Better shoulders than hips or knees. I walk well now and that's a big deal.
I like nature as it comes. Being in country where there are big predators never really bothered me. Even when we were fishing the outlet of a high lake in Wyoming and I came across a pile of grizzly scat. Just kept fishing and didn't even die during the attack that never came.
Take me off maybe status and put me down as a for sure. I have no idea what I'll bring in the way of food, but I have to admit my deer hunting days are over, so no backstrap from me.☹️
Today is a good day to remember the folks who put it all on the line for their country. Thank you to all who have or are serving in the greatest military in the world.
I saw a pretty funny item on FB the other day. The Pharma guys were all congratulating each other for creating a new disease and inventing the cure. I swear that's what I think of every time the drug ads show up on TV with the list of side effects.
You're still eating though, so that counts for something. And Thanksgiving will be a good time for you to reflect on that when you're around your family. Hang tough you old goat.
You're thinking the right way. I had an English Lab that was about 70 pounds. Quite a dog, he spent a fair amount of time with me at Schell (and a lot of other places) before there was such a thing as 4 Rivers. Trained him off the dock at Izaak Walton. I'll never forget Dexter. Words of caution: When you take on a dog it's 24/7/365.