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Everything posted by Terrierman

  1. On that day, pretty sure I would have waded wet. It was HOT.
  2. Stocking channel catfish? Ick. Stock blues or flatheads if you have to stock catfish.
  3. I tried to watch the Golf but it was too late at night and they weren't playing for money so I failed. Most of the announcers are horrid no matter which sport. About the women's beach volleyball. The uniforms are prescribed. Can't believe that flies in this "enlightened" time.
  4. You're not that fat.
  5. Then there's that old one about guy # 1 who asks guy # 2 "does your dog bite?" Guy # 2 says "No" right before guy # 1 gets bit. Says to guy # 2 "hey I thought you said your dog doesn't bite!" Guy # 2 says "it's not my dog"
  6. Have not gotten anything back but the auto reply from Laclede County Emergency Management.
  7. I don't like Chow, Akita, Rottweiler and most German Shepherd/Malanois either. But the dog that always kept me and everybody else who'd been to that house in the car was a Collie. Sneaky mean she was. When the owner was outside, fine. But do not get out and go knock on the door. My stepson got a bad bite when he was young from a Shepherd. The owners were given the choice of put the dog down or face a lawsuit. They were smart enough to disappear the dog. My wife got knocked down off her bike by a big chow a few years ago. I had to take care of that one myself as the owners were stubborn. Somebody dumped a catahoula/lab mix here about a year ago. He put me back in my truck. Once. My patience level for aggression in any dog is very low. All that said, I love dogs, there are seven living here now. They don't run loose and the biggest threat to the UPS guy is keeping the heeler from getting in the truck to go for a ride.
  8. One out of 1300 vaccinated people has contracted covid during this last surge. Call me crazy, but I like those odds.
  9. There are only two private bingo halls in Springfield. Bingo Emporium and All American Bingo. Which one might be his is your guess.
  10. Hi Rick Helms, Thanks for contacting the Laclede County Office of Emergency Management. One of our representatives will contact you as soon as possible. Please DO NOT reply to this email. This is an automatic message. Please use the contact form on our website if you need to send us a message.
  11. I just sent this e-mail to the Laclede County Office of Emergency Management. Not sure how accurate the details below might be. I'm checking on a person who I only know from an internet fishing forum. I believe his wife works there and he volunteers. He's in his 60's and has health issues. We haven't heard from him for a while on the forum and there is concern. Can you help? Many thanks Rick Helms
  12. Ashley Creek is more than halfway from Montauk to Cedar Grove. The gentleman asked about just below Montauk. Unless it's recently rained, even a loaded canoe can be a little challenging up there. A buddy and I used to do two trips a year up there, loaded two boats and took off. Great float in beautiful country but like I said, to me any jon boat is a no go close to Montauk.
  13. I've floated that part of the river a lot in years past. Jon boat with or without a jet is a no go.
  14. It's 96 here right now. Yaah, oh yaah it's a little muggy.
  15. I've caught maybe three eels on the lower Osage at night fishing with worms. They slime everything.
  16. Hopefully short fences.🎯
  17. I wish.🤓
  18. Defend oneshot until the cows come home, And about what does B.S. stand for-- baloney sandwich, what else could it possibly be? I really don't want to fight with you or anyone else on the forum. Not sure why you feel the need to defend someone wishing him well but feel free.
  19. And back to the original subject. I've had my moments with oneshot but I sincerely hope he is OK and returns to the forum with his unique brand of made up B.S.
  20. Actually no, I can't.
  21. About all these variants. Has anyone on here ever read something I wrote about everything is everywhere? If not, here I go again. Everything is everywhere. Can't be stopped. Slowed down sure. Stopped, nope. Virus, microplastics, trace pharmaceuticals, persistent carcinogens, you name it.
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