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Banded Pygmy Sunfish

Banded Pygmy Sunfish (4/89)



  1. I put I at Bridgeport today, water color is good around pt15 & above. Real clear up Flat Creek. Clear down to Virgin Bluff
  2. I use it whenever I go there, never a problem. Usually put a few $$'s in box. Be interested to know lake ice situation as I'll probably go nxt week. Thanks in advance. Good luck...
  3. jcioni

    Flood gates

    According to local weather forecast, another 6-9" by this weekend. Bummer.
  4. Fishing a week ago, motor threw craps on me, so while the good folks at Tri Lakes Marine rebuild motor, I didn't want to waste prime crappie fishing time. Put kayak in at ramp near Bear Den around daylight & fished until about noon, when wind became an issue. Caught 8 keepers, biggest being 13" and many shorts. Most were caught around standing timber in about 25 fow & fish about 8 to 10 feet deep. Only caught one on bank. Fished scattered. Used 32nd oz charturse jig. Sure missed my electronics for depth & fish. Used the 25' length of anchor rope to judge depth. All in all, great day to be on water..
  5. I always stop and study the fish in this tank, noting how they suspend on the structure and brush. I use this as a real life classroom. Very cool tank.
  6. How stained is the water. I see the lake has come up about a foot
  7. Nice mess of fish, tks for report. Going tomorrow, hope your luck holds out for me.
  8. Put n at Bridgeport around daylight. Fished around Bearden Cove & Virgin Bluff. Caught limit of crappie, 13 keepers off of one tree, needless to say, I didn't burn a lot of gas today. Big fish was 15" along with 3 - 14", and the rest in the 11.5 to 13" range. Still throwing a 32nd oz charturse jig, letting it fall & watch for line twitch.
  9. Put n at Bridgeport around daylight. Fished around Bearden Cove & Virgin Bluff. Caught limit of crappie, 13 keepers off of one tree, needless to say, I didn't burn a lot of gas today. Big fish was 15" along with 3 - 14", and the rest in the 11.5 to 13" range. Still throwing a 32nd oz charturse jig, letting it fall & watch for line twitch.
  10. Can & will do
  11. Flat Creek Restaurant in Cape Fair on Flat Creek. Great food & service.
  12. It's tough to work that two pound jig on four pound test line & light pole. lol, math was never my strong suit.....
  13. Fished between Bridgeport & Virgen Bluff, worked both banks. Caught limit which included 4-13", 4-12", remainder were mostly 11.5. Used 32oz maribou charturse jig. Most were at 8 - 10ft n 15 - 25 fow. Probably my best day for a limit of heavy fish. Tried to upload photos, but wouldn't load from photo library. I'll have to work on this.
  14. Tks 4 report. Drove to Blunks to ck it out a couple of weeks ago after eating at Flat Creek, water was really low. Guess i need to come back & fish it.
  15. Got on water at sunrise, first 5 crappies were caught 10' from bank in about 8 fow. Had 9 keepers, most caught close to structure close to bank. Used 32oz maribou charturse jig. Water temps 55 - 56 degrees. 3 - 12 inchers in the mix. Later in day, wind was an issue.
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