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Old plug

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Everything posted by Old plug

  1. I do not thnik there is a better way to teach a novice fisherman patients in landing fish. I started my son out on 4 and 6 lb test line catching large carp. They are without a doubt one of the best training tools in nature.
  2. I am a strong believer that your line should match up with the rest of your tackle and in turn the purpose your going to use it for. Really that is all there is to it. I use 20 Pro Braid on a 7ft med action spinning rod to pitch and flip sinko type stuff around cables. The reason is it a lot easyier to pitch and flip than the heavier conventional lines and there is about as much abasion resistance as they have. I have not used a leader for anything other than fly fishing since I was about 21 yrs old. It was about that time I finally figured out the fish do not care about the line only whats on the end of it.
  3. I helped a guy years ago trqp some out of his small 5 ac They are.pretty simple to trap. He used oil drums.. Put them out in the lake in shallow water waighted so they would stay put. You put a flip type walkway on the barrel and hang a bluegill high over the center of the barrel on some sort of heavy wire loop. The turtles come up the ramp and the ramp trips and throws them in the barrel. where they are esay to shoot.
  4. down on LOZ the late evening bite went. But it looks to me like it just moved till mid afternoon to mid evenjng. The Best fish are still in deeper water I will be fishing over deep water looking for suspended fish this evening. and Still will laying my bet that big bass are 20 to as much as 30 ft. "
  5. Did he say he was the owner of that poperty ???? Sounds like sme darn fool that is takng it into his own hands to be the guardian of the area. maybe he has been watching to much news. sounds like president Trumpet.
  6. Careful about that ,He is a good dog Mitch and I am certain he would JUST love you grabbing him around the neck and giving him a hug. He is also very playful and might think you want to rough it up a bit ( I have made this mistake more than on a few occasons) and he will kick your a--in short order.
  7. Yeah it used to look like that back around 1962 before floating and destroying everything got popular.
  8. I shoiuld have sent that one to Washington Wrench. Sounds like it would make a great motto for a banner on all hte buildings up there.
  9. i sort of like the discription of what kind of people we are or should be in the Book of JAMES In the BIble.
  10. It is true but life everywhere not just not rural people os a total mess. This nation is so fractured by so many BS attitudes formented by selfish leaders and stuff like the social media,politicians and religion I believe my grandkids will live to see the end of what we call the USA. We are having a class struggle in this country.
  11. If the corp or boat patrol troed to do that. these peoeple with thecbog boats would stop that on a hurry becaisecmorecthan likely they arecin the political swamp with the rest of the snakes.
  12. I can do better than imagine it I have seen paddle boards, Yaks and even some swimmers one time crossing the mouth of Mill Creek during the week
  13. I have watched most of the first season. What angers me is the way they make locales look like a lot of silly people living in shacks. Thats why thses summer city peole think they own the whole place lock stock and barrel. They think they can come out here and do what ever they please.
  14. I am contemplating this might be my last season. There is health issues with  my wife amd myself involved.But really I am so tired of the abuse on all out wters I do not want to see it anymore. Must say though this has been a very fine season so far amd it will just make me miss it more in the future. A few weeks back Fishing only 1-3  hours during the week days I was able to boat 16 bass in the 4 lb range. Hell of it was I could not conect ro anything larger. Only 2 this year better than 5 I blame a lot offthis on tournaments and week end meat hunters. 99% of your weekend fishermen carch a bass even 4 lbs they are gong to carry it around show it off and take pictures. I a, very tight lipped about how well I do fishing. I do not not want this  type thing.  most pleasant timevI have had though this year was with one sole nass. She was 22" long and I neve weighed her fat posterior. I miss her on our first incounter dished down a couple docks and came came back  and caught her. let her rest for 3 days and caught her again. She would not hit  at anything outside a spot about as big as a toilet seat. I checked on the presents one time by giving her a worm with no hook. Over al I caught her three times and have not tried since. That story is like a book. Lot to learn about bass vehavir from that


  15. I come from the age of Miss Kitty Wells, Ferln Husky. And Hank Williams. But I was a witness to the birth of Rock and Roll. Even seen Ike and Tina Turner in person a few time in the St louis area before they got big. She os one of my favorites. I always say After I stopped hearimg I could still feel her Music just watching her. But my heart was really in Country. I still can remember a lot of them. They all told a story that was real country soul. I guess I can relate it to events in my life better. Chuck Berry just stands alone he sang rock but told real stories like country. School days is a good example. I was told personslly by a old girl friend of his that Maybeline was created on old Hy 40 between St Lous and Wentzville. There was a lot of racing on that Hwy in the early and md 50's
  16. I am thinking in the area of longer range results of the livwell,
  17. You knw champ after a tournament in this kind of weather I sometimes catch keepers that are stressed and skinny days after the tournament. Having bred and raised a lot of tropicsls in my youth when I see that is is like looking at the beginning of the end of that fishes life.
  18. I agree Champ. It has bothered me about those two almost to tye point where I am a little shy about going into the deep the way I do throught thos hot weather.
  19. Your not going get personal property tax in Mo for sure. You should see the declartion sheet for it. It includes about everytthing from chickens to your family pooch.
  20. I know it is rarely fished for but in the ewrly 60's I just loved to catch Long Ear sunfish on tiny poppin bugs in the upper meramec. .in the spring or early summer when they spawed there were many that had gotten to pretty good size for that species. What my wife's grand aunt would call " Just right eatin size" and they certinly were. We used to scale them gut them out and cut off their heads Those things all fried up did not have a lot of meat on them. What was there though was sure good though after you picked carefully of those tiny bones. The fried crunchy tails were good as well. Loved those experiences in the Yesteryears as the past was always refered to then. Was heart broken last time I went to see my old starting and takeout point at Onandaga. I have sworn i will never go back to that river agian. All I can say is give people a river to enjoy and they will destroy it.
  21. Up here on LOZ I never felt the need for a long cst other thn when fishing for white bass or other rising fish. What is more importnt to me is deadly accurate pitching up to 30 ft or so. The new reels are very good for that. Someone said smething about 40lb braid. What in the world is that for I do have one medium spinning rod with 20 lb pro braid on it. The sole purpose of that is pitching sinkos. I feel a bit more assured with it over and around dock cables. It makes for easy easy distance. Only drawback is you cannot feel the wear nics. I think though it is as tough as 10 or 12 lb other lines in that situation. That s certainly no surprise that they do that. Only sirprise. Thats what they do now. In time however all those workers might be here in our fctories workng. The foverment that is suppose to be creating jobs for is issued 15,000 Visas for foreign workers to enter the U. S. recently
  22. I killed a 5 lb bass on two consecutive days summner before last a real solely from bringing them up to fast. It is something that has bothered me since. I cerntainly should have known better. You got to be carecul with deep fish in all this heat. I never keep a bass. but those two I was forced to. I think right now a lot of fish are suffering from this heat I been walking in back of the docks around my place the lst couple weeks becaise of the boat traffic. I been catching a few bass every evening that are fat helty looking dinks and shorts. I caught a keeper yesterdy evening and it really looked stressed out. I think it sort of shows that the larger the fish the more the hot weather will effect them. Maybe they should just knock off the turaments in hot weather.
  23. i will apoligze in advance. I wil talk up a storm with anyone. But I cannot hear one thing of your reply. Ain't that so Wrench. I will talk tackel and some general other stuff. But you can bet your last dollar I am not about to share anything like a secret are spots. I figure finding the fish is part of the of the fishing experience. I know I would never feel satisfied fishing some place someone told me about. SHRAPNEl.... About one time a week I announce to my wife I am going to take my weekly drive. I usially only go two places Up to see Ed and give bites to his dog and then go see what Wrench is up to. Might just do that right now. Need a box of Night crawers for a try at trapping a Armadillo. I missed the little crapper at 2 am this moring. Only the second time I have ever failed to stuff a 410 slug into one. Going to set the trap in a different spot..
  24. I think that might be something spondored by your local bussiness people. That happend here. They called it a water paloosa or something. It was so bad they have never gotten another regatta permit I do not think. It is not going to be pretty I can tell you. Might as well get used to it. It is just begining.
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