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    SW MO

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Banded Pygmy Sunfish

Banded Pygmy Sunfish (4/89)



  1. Bill Babler "I keep reading to go to the walk in clinics for better care. If they can’t fix you the send you to an ER that can. " --- I went to a neighborhood care center in 2018 (ran by local hospital, in medium city). I did not know what was wrong; Dr. wrote prescription for anxiety. I took 2 pills at bedtime as per directions. Sometime that night I passed out on the floor, don’t remember getting out of bed. Almost died, ambulance took me to ER, turned out I had pneumonia, was in hospital for 7 days ($50k). A Dr. at follow-up appointment told me that most people that go thru what I did are in the cemetery. I don’t go to neighborhood care centers anymore.
  2. http://stockton.uslakes.info/Level/
  3. I thought about buying a Garmin Echomap Plus 73cv last year; until I read several threads on BBC. (BBC search > Garmin cradle problem) There are several Echomap 93sv plus threads (2019, 2020) concerning Garmin quick release cradle problems. Such as - water leaks into cradle causing contact corrosion problems & unit fails; OR unit falls out of cradle while driving across lake waves. Does the Echomap UHD 93sv have a redesigned quick release cradle? [still have older Motorguide / Lowrance unit on bow; both work OK]
  4. 'BoatUS urges recreational boaters to be on watch for engine-killing E15' this summer https://www.boatus.com/pressroom/release.asp?id=1531 [I saw this notice due to my BoatUS tow plan, mailing list] https://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy12osti/52909.pdf link is also in the BoatUS release above Mercury Marine - effect of E15 on outboards A new Merc 200 EFI 2.5L two-stroke with E15 fuel [ethanol tested 14%] died at 256 hours (of 300 hour WOT endurance test), p42. An identical 200 with E0 fuel completed the 300 hour endurance test and all post-endurance dynamometer tests. WOT = wide-open throttle My still running 1997 Merc EFI V6 has only had non-Ethanol 87 since new (currently Phillips 66 Miami OK). I can't afford 'the many people who put in valuable time and effort working on the boat' (American Ethanol), 8 team members in 2017. Most stations on OK map below sell 87 non-Ethanol. OK oil companies/engineers/chemists know more about fuel than politicians/lobbyists/lawyers.
  5. My boat sets in garage a lot, so I use 87 non-ethanol and Mercury fuel products year round. I buy gas for my 1997 V6 Merc from Phillips 66 Miami OK (which sells only non-ethanol fuel for all grades 87, 89, & 91). Politicians in Jefferson City are benefiting from corn. Oklahoma was 5th rated state for Oil production in 2014.
  6. I have a BoatUS unlimited Freshwater Tow + Trailer Assist policy. http://www.boatus.com/products-and-services/boat-towing/faq First - need to call BoatUS OR use their smartphone TOW app for service. This April I talked to BoatUS about my poor AT&T cell coverage at Stockton Lake and being outside of BoatUS service area. Mutton Creek Marina is on authorized BoatUS service provider list (Orleans Trail Marina (OTM) is not on list). (Nov 2018, AT&T: NO Service at Mutton Creek campground ramp; NO Service at Old State Park Ramp; NO Service at Ruark Bluff ramp parking lot; great service at Hawker Point ramp) I asked sales rep if my cell phone had NO Service and I could only reach OTM with my VHF radio (and could not reach Mutton Creek or BoatUS), could I have OTM tow? Rep told me that would be OK, but I would have to pay OTM, and then later send tow bill info to BoatUS, and reimbursement amount would depend on which tow policy I had. My policy has “reimbursement up to $2500 for tows outside of TowBoatUS service area”. I believe either Mutton Creek or Orleans Trail marinas can tow boats in (except maybe during OFF season / cold months??) May be hard to find a tow when marinas are closed.
  7. Sorry for being off topic. This link has map of quarry with contour lines, some areas are 16 FOW. Takes some maneuvering on this website to get to the 'quarry'. https://www.gofreeshop.com/ G3 Sportsman may have fished in the quarry [YouTube > Catching Crappie On Cranks In Hot Weather ]. His console Lowrance Elite MAP at 1:36 shows > 15.3 FOW; area with NO contour lines (quarry?) AND area with contour lines (Crabtree Cove boat ramp cove?). Scott does catch a nice walleye near the end of the video.
  8. Big Hill Lake (COE, 1322 acres) near Parsons KS supplies water for drinking and allows recreational activities (swimming beach with change house, boating, water skiing and tubing, fishing, 1-mile hiking trail, 17-mile horse riding trail, picnicking, playground, ball field, mid-lake and dam boat ramps, and a nice COE campground). I occasionally fished at Big Hill Lake from 1990 - 2010 with my 68mph bass boat (fast speeds with gasoline motors is OK). Not allowing any recreational activities at a 1500 acre MO COE lake seems BAD when compared to all the recreational activities available at a 1322 acre KS COE lake. PWWSD 4 has been treating 'recreation' water for decades while Missouri American Water would not like the "additional work to treat the water". PWWSD 4 treats water from Big Hill Lake and placed 1st in the Best Tasting Water in Kansas Contest in 2002 and 2014, and received 1st place in the 2003 Great American Taste Test contest. http://www.parsonssun.com/business/article_875c468a-ba1f-11e3-8224-0017a43b2370.html
  9. TTJJ


    Last Thursday (May 10) at 1:30PM Ruark Bluff main parking lot was mostly filled, with a few empty spots. Couple trucks in over flow lot.
  10. I emailed BOATUS on May 5 asking about tow service on 4 area lakes. BOATUS May 7 reply > "We currently do not have a TowBoatUS Port on Stockton Lake & Beaver Lake. We do have a Port on Table Rock Lake and Grand Lake."
  11. I've used authorized Mercury dealers (for service) for years. In 2015 I switched to Marine Center (Joplin) for Mercury outboard service. Marine Center has lower cost for routine maintenance of the 5 Mercury dealers I've used. My previous Mercury dealer (still in business) was used from 2006 to 2014.
  12. Not a simple list; but better than nothing. Plus has link to Reserve campground site. https://corpslakes.erdc.dren.mil/visitors/visitors.cfm click on state select activities , click Find Lakes select a lake if Recreation Area has a $ sign following name in table (Corps Fees Collected) Works for MO; Stockton Lake; Orleans Trails $; I've launched there with my COE Annual Pass Senior Pass is one time fee of $10 COE Annual Pass is currently $40 per year
  13. Senior Pass - free boat launching and 1/2 price on camping. Have to go to a COE office to buy Senior Pass, need your drivers license (to verify age). Can't buy Senior Pass by phone with credit card or by mail with check; like you can for annual pass. Senior Pass hangs on mirror similar to Annual Pass. "The pass provides free entrance to most federal recreation areas and provides a 50% discount on use fees, such as camping fees." "Senior Passes are available at FWS, NPS, BLM, USDA FS, and now USACE park locations also."
  14. Thanks for the Senior Pass info; will go good with my ‘$35 Missouri lifetime fishing license (60-64)’.
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