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Mrs. BilletHead

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    Whatever my hubby likes

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Chestnut Lamprey

Chestnut Lamprey (2/89)



  1. Oh Rick.....this is really neat to read. Good memories!!! 😄
  2. Mrs Billethead is done with her flies!! I did brown and copper thread midge pupae on size 14 barbless hook. I am a new tier....having a lot of fun with it!! Hope you guys enjoy this....I sure am!!
  3. @Lancer09 Mrs Billethead is in!!!
  4. I would like to take a moment to thank each and every one of you that bought raffle tickets and made donations to Reel Recovery for our fundraiser for 2024 retreat!!! I want you to all know that enough of you guys that bought tickets and made donations raised enough money to send one participant to the next retreat!! We know firsthand what a difference this makes in a man's life and struggle with cancer. Marty has volunteered for years and had two personal friends that went thru this great experience. I have been fortunate enough to have had the opportunity to volunteer for the past two years and I can tell you that is very rewarding. Sometimes men will not talk with other men about their struggles....but they will with a woman (one that has been thru cancer herself!). I had two gentlemen that were very grateful for the experience. One just wanted to talk and watch birds, so that is what we did for two days. It was great! Another enjoyed learning to flyfish and was very thankful for the whole experience. And he caught some really nice fish! Please, please ....if you know someone that has cancer or has been thru it, have them apply! I will be something that they will never forget!! Again, thank you to all of you for your help! Thanks to the raffle ticket buyers and the donations made out of the kindness of your heart!!
  5. Hello....this is Mrs. Billethead (Pat). I am in charge of selling the raffle tickets for Reel Recovery that we were issued. This is a fantastic retreat for the men that have or are going thru cancer. Marty has been volunteering since 2012 when it was first brought to Missouri. I have been asked for the past two years to be a river buddy for the participants--for which I am beyond grateful to be a part of!!! The flyer is attached, ...... I have another 17 tickets to sell. The funds are to be turned in by November 25. If any of you commit, I would be happy to fill out the stubs and mail them to you...if you will mail me the money or check. You can pm message Billethead if you are are interested. Most all the donations for the raffle are from FeatherCraft. Winners will be notified 11/30/23. ALSO, if you know of a gentleman that is going thru or have been thru cancer, please please have them apply for this wonderful retreat. It is done thru donation and raffles...... I will need commitments pretty quick and checks mailed to me. I will mail the stubs to you. Tickets are $20 each or 3 for $40 (Best deal!!) I greatly appreciate it and I know that any participant would be as grateful. I am truly blessed to be a part of such a great organization. It has meant so much to me to be able to help...and I know that any man that has gone thru this has truly enjoyed it as well! Again..... please pm messages to Billethead if you are interested. I thank you for your support in advance. God bless!!!
  6. Thanks for all the birthday wishes!! The big 60 today!!!!! Mr BilletHead is pretty excited about MY birthday present.......WE will try it out soon hopefully!! Wanted to go to Bennett Spring on Friday as I had the day off, but the water was too high and muddy. Another day! We did go to a pond and threw a couple of flies....Mr outfished me (he caught 5) and me only one (that I did not completely land). But it as fun to get out in the fresh air and sunshine. Went on a 3 mile walk with Marty and Sadie...then cooked goose fajitas. Had a great day!!
  7. WEll, I have to tell you he did really good! Our squirrel dinner yesterday was great!! Sucked that tender meat right off the bone-a little bit left for later this week after work; if he doesn't eat it all. HAHA And he cooked a killer venison roast today--tender a tasty! Mrs Billethead
  8. OK..I asked Marty what he had for lunch today. He said I had to look on here to find out. You all heard him; he said that he would fix it for me this weekend. I promise you will hear if he does not!! And you can all spread the wrath on him!! Mrs BilletHead
  9. Well... Mr BH and I DO have a good thing going!! He has put up with about as much stuff from me as I have him. He is a good cook, hunting/fishing guide, and well, I probably shouldn't say the rest!!! lol I have very much enjoyed reading (and responding) to the remarks. I do not usually do much computer stuff other that my job. But I have enjoyed! Thanks!!
  10. You don't know half of the crap he does!!!! And I guess that is why he is so successful; he is not afraid to take a chance. He wasn't afraid to take a chance on me 40 years ago!!! And look at what that has gotten him!! Sucker!? Her I am getting ready to go to work and refilling his coffee mug while he sits in his Lazyboy!! But he keeps me stocked in nice flies and hunting equipment so I guess it is worth it. He is soooooooo spoiled!!!
  11. Well!! Mr Billethead comes home and has to out do me! He just can't stand for me to be in the spotlight.....well I guess I was for a couple of minutes! Always bigger and better. Oh well I am very proud of him not only for killing a bigger bird than me but also for teaching me so well that I was able to do on my own!! I guess I should shut up so that he doesn't get such a big head (his is ALWAYS bigger than mine!!).
  12. I am still so very pumped about shooting a turkey on my own!! I did forget to say that while sitting there I did do a small amount of mouth calling. I did get the gobbler to answer me. Not the best calling ever but hey he called back to me!! Mr Billethead was very proud of me and that made it all worthwhile. He was impressed with the spurs and beard. I saved them in the fridge. I feel really good and a lot of my friends and co-workers gave me a kudos for doing this!! Thanks for all your comments...they mean a lot to me!!
  13. Ok. Mrs Billethead went hunting on her won yesterday morning (Mr out of town). I went back to the spot where we had gone last week. Sat a few minutes and heard three birds gobbling back in the woods. Just sit there and soon a hen flew out, then a couple other ones, and soon tommy! I shot one time and boom he hit the ground. I walked over to take a picture with my phone so that I could send it to Mr and then sat a cried. I had done it! I proceeded to carry that heavy bird back to the house, called it in, strung it up, and proceeded to clean (butcher) it. I admire you guys that clean turkeys...it is not easy! Had 10 inch beard, just over 1 inch spurs, and weighed 18 pounds. I re-weighed him because I did no have my glasses on the first time!. Have a great day!!
  14. I need to keep up on this as Mr B never tells me what he is writing. I have to look over his shoulder as he is chuckling and typing. All I can say is he really knows how to show a girl a good time. Spray me down with bug dope and take me to the woods!
  15. Mrs. BilletHead here, Sorry to say he survived the night. No projectile vomiting or bloody diarrhea. Seems as though his kidney and liver functions are normal too as is other things Now to this morning, well I will let him post this mornings trip with photos as he is the most techy one in the house. He even helped me clean a few. That is not normal so maybe the shrooms have affected him in a better way? Mrs. B
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