From last weeks thread.
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Posted Wednesday at 08:50 AM
There is a consensus on one thing on this thread—the Spots are a problem. So, I want to refocus attention on a solution, and the most effective seems to be aggressive harvest (meaning anglers taking what they catch, up to the 12 fish limit).
But, this requires education because catch and release is (and should be) such a strong part of the bass angling culture; we need to get the word out to harvest Spots.
Therefore, I think a publicity campaign is in order. I mentioned some ideas above, and other ways are an article in the MDC Magazine and posts on social media websites.
I’m a member of the MO Smallmouth Alliance, and I’m going to talk to them about it.
Later, all you crazy river runners (and, yes, I’ve been told I might be a little obsessed with he river and fishing).