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Everything posted by Johnsfolly

  1. @tangledup see if he is interested in going for the MO blue ribbon stream slam. I think that would be a great video series for his channel. Will take dad driving quite a ways, but would be a great bonding experience.
  2. Sorry to hear that Mitch. I feel at times fish should taste like fish. I like rockfish and white bass. Still trying to find some little cousin white perch big enough for a meal.
  3. Johnsfolly

    Cast iron

    My no name #7 skillet after the first pass with oven cleaner. Probably needs two or three more treatments.
  4. Johnsfolly

    Cast iron

    Cast iron is softer than stainless steel. I would expect the shot to pit the pan. I would live to see what it looks like if you did that already.
  5. That was a great trade Marty. Great story and some cool pieces indeed.
  6. That's awesome! Tell him congrats on a nice wild trout!
  7. That rainbow may be eating stockers ! Nice walleye! congrats guys. Great fellowship and fishing! Far better than performance reviews and client calls all week .
  8. You're certainly welcome for a visit.
  9. Easy now! She was in the Naval reserves.
  10. Maryland has been in a state of lockdown and that only sustenance fishing was allowed while using the necessary social distancing guidelines. After this trip the stated allowed recreational fishing and this Friday will open up more things like barber shops, stores, some restaurants, etc.. Anyway back during the full lockdown we took out a few of my wife's crab traps, brandishing our face masks, armed with hand sanitizer, and went to a spot that we have had good luck in the past. Usually Livie and I usually fish while my wife tends the traps. No different on this trip. We were bottom fishing with bloodworms on high/low rigs hoping for some white or silver perch that we could take home for dinner. We caught quite a few silver perch last fall, but I suspect that in late summer through fall that there is a higher salinity in this creek than in the spring and that there may not be too many silver perch around. White perch seem to be common enough to suspect that we might catch a meal's worth. BUT that was not the case. We have had one of the coldest springs from April through the first part of May. So I blame the poor water temp on us not being able to secure any legal fish for dinner. We did catch some sublegal stripers, which was nice after not being able to fish for over 4 weeks . Though we both caught three stripers, but missed out on any keeper fish. I did land a keeper blue crab and my wife scored on five others. So can't complain too much. The crabs were delicious! We did get in a little microfishing the next day. Livie caught her first breeding male sheepshead minnow. Photo doesn't do its coloration much justice.
  11. Couple of bellies on those daytime trout. Not used to seeing any photos DJ that didn't have red highlights. Rest up my friend and catch you a sea monster tonight!
  12. It cost more to print the bill. Just dumb accounting ! Back in college, we had a friend that stated that if she saved a penny a day for a year that she would have enough money to go to FL for Spring break. Maybe she's working in the accounting department for Advent Health.
  13. We had those black drum from SC back in march and really liked them. They were all smaller than 5 lbs. Not sure how a freshwater drum would compare.
  14. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    Marty there is usually a tare button on those scales that you press after you place the empty bowl on the scale that will zero out the weight of the bowl before you add anything to it. No need to weigh the bowl separately.
  15. Congrats buddy! Giving you guys a little grace. I feel that you need at least three different fish to consider it a multispecies trip😉. You'll get more for sure. Can't wait for more photos.
  16. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    Cauliflower pie from the old Moosewood cookbook.
  17. Folks around here wear their masks no questions asked. They wear them at the stores, at work, in the car by themselves, at home alone.. In fact some folks have begun complaining that they just don't sleep well wearing their masks. Many folks have solved the issues with breathing by cutting a hole for their nose and mouth. Much better. Now they can breathe well and stay safe 🤔
  18. It's been my experience that big browns are more likely to hit Vienna sausages than cheese, at least than sharp cheddar and Velveeta !
  19. Now back to @MNtransplant original thread .
  20. I was. We had a great time. Smiling here with a smallie! And under the rod there is a smile with this big white sucker! Thought that this was a giant brown trout, but was not disappointed. Maybe its the company that I fish with .
  21. Congrats on some great looking fish! I don't target them much, but my PB walleye is still the one that I caught while fishing Taney with @JestersHK a few years back.
  22. Back in the late 80s I Knew several guys from Camp Lejuene. Mostly helicopter guys.
  23. I've been doing that to my wife's plants. She has stopped telling me that there are any flowers😉.
  24. Thats awesome. What marketing genius! I have seen buy one for $5 or get 4 for $20🤔.
  25. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    They also lose moisture very quickly as well. Never had any fresh and didn't want to try them after being dried out. Lots of them around us. Very common here. Of course may not get the rain in June to make them pop🤔.
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