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Everything posted by Johnsfolly

  1. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    That's why he can't win any majors😂!
  2. Watched Steve R on Meateater eat a monkey down in South America.
  3. Ollie is there ever nice weather on Capp's ?!?
  4. Congrats Bret! You guys caught some chunky fish for sure. Great job in sticking it out in crappy weather!
  5. Congrats Daryk. As I mentioned go get you another one buddy😁!
  6. If the water isn't trashy, below the lodge may not be bad. Some deeper water and large rocks that could hold a brown or two.
  7. I will likely be up for one night of jerk bait fishing.
  8. @Quillback Congrats! It has to be tiring catching those green and brown fish. Bet you just can't wait to fish for some more colorful fish on the White 😁!
  9. @Quillback Nice smallmouth. Pretty funny putting that PBJ rig in its mouth to fool lurkers 😉. Everyone knows that color doesn't catch fish😂.
  10. That is what it has been like out here in Maryland as well. Ground is so saturated that very rain dumps 1 to 2 inches and floods everything. Finally had some break in the weather pattern and I did get to fish on a Saturday !
  11. Johnsfolly

    MDC Rant

    My house outside of Columbia was in a subdivision with I-70 on the north border and farmland on the south and west sides of the subdivsion. People would dump kittens in the neighborhood. We had at least 7 running through our yard, crapping everywhere, huge increase in fleas on our dog and our kids when they went into the yard. I started live trapping them. Over an 18 month period I trapped 23 cats, 8 opossums, and 9 raccoons. I only caught three neighbor cats. I don't believe that it was just mother nature being the culprits.
  12. Johnsfolly

    MDC Rant

    When you trapped did you take pleasure in the injury or harvest of those animals? If not then don't assume that others that use the same techniques to control feral cats take pleasure in that activity.
  13. @KCKT welcome to the contributing side of the forum. Waiting for the spring thaw shouldn't stop folks from fishing! Lots of coldwater fish available south of you if you are willing to travel. Can't wait to see your reports.
  14. Another great mess of fish. Congrats! I've caught only one crappie this year and that was when I was fishing for a chain pickerel. Hit a large rooster tail!
  15. Thought that you would like the 'eye. Looks like a great spread!
  16. I know that it is something that swims !
  17. It's like that Monty Python song ... "Every fish is sacred, every fish is great, if a fish gets not counted, God gets quite Irrate!" At least I think those are the lyrics 😌. Maybe @ness can confirm? He may have seen that movie.
  18. He would just have to down size to a 1/32 oz Zig Jig😂.
  19. We all know better tham that buddy😁. If I lived as close as you do I would likely be on the river just as often. Great catches for sure! Looking forward to fishing the White and possibly Norfork in a little over a week.
  20. Johnsfolly

    MDC Rant

    I was always under the impression that leash laws were city ordinances and not state laws. I found this online: Several states have state-wide dog leash laws and requirements. These laws are usually referred to as "Running at Large Statutes." In states without "Running at Large Statutes," local governments, such as counties, towns, cities, municipalities, and boroughs, often enact their own leash laws. But even where there are state-wide leash laws, it's often the case that the state government permits local governments to pass their own leash laws. Often, the local laws are stricter than the state laws. If any confusion arises over the leash laws in your home, contact your local government for more information Missouri has a "State Lands Leash Law." Under this law, dogs must be on leashes no longer than 10 feet when they are in state parks or on state historic sites. Additionally, Missouri law prohibits dogs that have rabies, or dogs that have been exposed, to rabies to run at large.
  21. I must not had corn fed cats. Tasted like fish pellets. So typically avoid most farm raised fish.
  22. Now that is a farsical claim. I'll eat trout over any farm raised catfish or worse tilapia .
  23. Easier to make and more lucrative to sell😌.
  24. @trythisonemv looks like you had what those browns wanted. Congrats!
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