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Everything posted by Johnsfolly

  1. Looks like a post spawn fish. Congrats on a great trip! A lot better than my trip there in Dec.
  2. Won't be able to attend. Can't wait to see some photos😁.
  3. That would be on the What's cooking thread!
  4. Duane - nice brown buddy! Jerkbait fish? You look different than when I saw you back in 2018. Maybe it's the hat 😁.
  5. More like first fish fry of 2019😁! Congrats on some nice crappie.
  6. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    That horseradish cream snd mushroom gravy look fantastic! Oh and a great looking steak😁.
  7. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    Been working down the leftovers from Xmas and New Years before our trip. Only new thing was we revisited a PA Dutch classic - fried scrapple. I cut thin quarter inch slices and pan fried in some bacon fat (made bacon if the scrapple was crap-ple😌). Served with some scrambled eggs. The scrapple was fine. Crispy outside kind of mealy and greasy inside. Probably not going out of the way to get more and eat it often. Though I may get some from the Amish market to try a different recipe. Though not sure how different a recipe there is to grind pork offal, season, and mix with some sort of grain and steam into a loaf.
  8. We don't need any more details buddy😌. This isn't that kind of a forum😁.
  9. Looks like a great hunt. I'm sure that your retriever needs a little more than just an extra biscuit😌.
  10. Sounds like a great time. Just getting lunch in Terra Haute and are about 2 to 3 hours from the show. Won't likely get there before it closes.
  11. Nice smallie. Congrats!
  12. @Jeff Polys see if @Seth can help you. I know that he has fished for white suckers in Taney.
  13. Sounds like a great time. Nice trout. Where were you fishing?
  14. QB Got one more than I do 😌. Nice healthy looking bass!
  15. Nice fish to invite home to dinner. Congrats!
  16. Nice one Ham. I know you caught quite few more.
  17. Haven't gone out yet in 2019. We're heading back to MO today. May try for some creek micros this week. Planning on heading to Bennett's on Friday. So it will likely be either a darter or a trout😁. Or a sculpin.
  18. He must have sent her with an air mattress with bird pictures on the bottom so she didn't have to swim 😁!
  19. Might be tough to cast an air mattress fly, but you have to match the hatch ! May need 14 wt.
  20. We'll be driving through IL on Sunday on our way back to Missouri. May have to convince the family that we need to stop😉.
  21. Looks Great DJ! I would love to see it in action. Maybe you should rock those pants when you get to use that net buddy 😁!
  22. Bet that bait would work for tiger sharks in Hawaii as well😁.
  23. If that is a catch and keep lake throughout the season you may want to try small olive jig or a wooley bugger under a float if you are spin fishing. Likely that the aggressive fish have been harvested already. Try different depths. Cast out and let it sit then pull in slightly and pause. That jig will rise then gently fall. Try that retrieve. If you want to bait fish and keep them, I would try a split shot or two about 8 to 10 inches in front of a small treble (#18 or 20) with one or more power eggs. I have had success with orange and pink/white. Livie likes to give them three and will add an egg to each hook. Good luck.
  24. Like you need any additional stimulation to keep you going !
  25. Much of what they have done was behind the scenes and after the show. They are very active with several ministries and foundations. Unlike the MTV idiots that are still idiots, this family gives back to the community and help to make other's lives better.
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