It's no wonder there are constant discussions about shad being north of this latitude etc. when folks can't id fish ! I did think that it was pretty funny when Kierstin would look at me astonished when I looked at her dad's fish and said that's a largescale stoneroller or a striped shiner !
I'm glad that she caught that rainbow. congrats to her! Cause once she and Livie got after the micros or seeing what they could catch with their hands (imagine that) neither one really fished too hard for trout. They both had a great time. Livie I know caught at least three of the "ones with lipstick on.." a fish that today still alludes @BilletHead, but @Ham would know that as a bleeding shiner.
I did not purposefully fish for micros when we were fishing with DJ and Kierstin. I fished jerkbaits for browns. However, it seems like I can't help myself since my only fish caught while with them was this sculpin. Now this guy actually had the hook in it's mouth .
It was a tough day. I do feel bad for being such a crappy guide for both of them. We had a fish follow baits but not commit. Fished some unproductive areas a bit too long and ran out of time. Never got up to the water that I had hoped to fish yesterday since it was well upstream from where we were. But looking at the water we did fish, should have been more successful.
After they headed off to their BBQ, Livie and I did fish Montauk. She got her fill of sculpins, I finally started breaking in the new 6' Airstream. First fish was a bluegill, then a longear sunfish, an Ozark sculpin and I did eventually catch a rainbow trout on a white microjig !
We only stayed about two hours after leaving DJ and Kierstin. Had to head home and work on the last of our packing . DJ thanks for getting down to fish with us. I appreciate you taking the time. I will also have to let you know how I do with the contents of your special delivery .
Hope to get back down to this stretch of the Current again some time in the future. So many memories and so many trout, but that may have to be a different post.