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Everything posted by Johnsfolly

  1. The big issue is not being able to take some for dinner . I will have to let you know how they taste. Being related to white bass and stripers I would guess that they would be like white bass in terms of flavor.
  2. So I have been reading about all of the white bass and crappie being caught throughout Missouri. Got me a bit jealous since I am in Maryland again and not able to get out after those guys. I hadn't fished since I got here on Tuesday. My Betterhalf and Livie were driving in from MO today. I expected them around 12 or 1 pm. I had a little bit of time to fish. I am still have a lot to get used too with fishing tidal creeks.. I must have hit the timing of spawn and the tides just right today. I started with a black and silver thinfisher blade bait. Halfway through my first cast I could no longer feel the vibration of the bait and the line got heavy then started to fight. Fish on! I reeled in my first whiter perch of 2018. These guys are the equivalent of the white bass in Missouri. Both fish are part of the temperate bass Morone Genus. They tend to be a bit smaller than whites, but can be a prolific and eager to bite as their Midwest cousins. I headed up to the bend in the creek to try fishing the current break. I caught two others on the thinfisher blade bait. A popular fish rig in Maryland and In PA is a tandem shad dart rig. I don't have any shad darts, but tied a white and chartreuse trout magnet about 14 inches over a chartreuse 1/16 oz jig head and put on a green pumpkin /chartreuse paddle tail Slider. (sorry not a great photo) First cast upstream, I caught this guy. It took the slider. I caught fish on the next 8 casts. Most came on the slider, most likely due to them being closer to the bottom. I moved just a couple of times and as the tide came in the bites continued. I caught males that were definitely in spawning condition and several fat females. This one came a s a double with a smaller fish on the top bait and this fat female on the bottom slider. I moved down stream and caught a few. The tide seemed to have topped out and the bite slowed. I ended up losing this rig. Then another and another without getting many bites. I called it a day after landing 42 perch in just over three hours. My wife and daughter showed up at the hotel just about an hour later. Other than losing some tackle it was a great day ! I hope to get Livie out tomorrow to catch her very first white perch and maybe some other Maryland species.
  3. Great job on some dandy bass! Those girls have some bellies on them for sure! Don't get to say that very often . I'm glad that your dad took you fishing or else we wouldn't have seen those fish. I hope that someday my kids get to hold up a nice fish and say the same things.go get some more!
  4. Mixermarkb - congrats on you trip! Sounds like some good catching was going on! I prefer Alleve after a trip like that. Sorry that you didn't find that giant. Good luck next time!
  5. Quill you know that I still do the 8 to 9 hour round trips. I now make sure to plan those trips so that I have a day of rest afterwards !
  6. Dan looks like you had a great day buddy! Just a nice mess of fish. Should be some fine eats!
  7. Quill it has got to suck catching bass and walleye using a Ned.all the time . I nean that spot is a great looking fish! Who would want to catch fish like that all the time. Seriously. Congrats buddy!
  8. Congrats Bill!
  9. Congrats on a bunch of nice fish. Awesome cutthroat! Plenty jealous of both of you. Good luck and keep posting great looking Norfork trout.
  10. I've been accused of bringing the snow to MD and will likely be accused of bringing in rain into MO when I head back that way in April. Seems like I can't win . By the way a tapeworm is a great weight loss program. Eat all that you want, don't exercise, and lose weight . You can even share with friends .
  11. Looks like you made the right choice. You caught some nice bass! Congrats on a successful switch!
  12. Sounds like a great time buddy. Would love to be out in MO going after whites amd crappie . Looking forward to seeing some white bass dishes soon.
  13. Quill great day and a very big drum! Congrats!
  14. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    I'm pretty certain that you'll get your prize and you know what I'm talking about buddy!
  15. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    Haven't made too many home cooked meals lately and am now in Maryland eating out or making sandwiches or leftovers in the hotel. We did have a food related experience last Friday night. We met up with and spent some time with Hank Shaw at the Logboat brewery in Columbia. Also picked up his new cookbook with upland bird and small game recipes. We had a great time. Oh and he told me that he has probably caught more than 200 species of fish. Since I am at 134 confirmed species, I have some catching up to do but am up to the challenge !
  16. Found this googling boat access on big piney. The image cam from missouricanoe.org. Can't tell you if this will give you what you need. Seems like a starting point.
  17. Jealous of the bass as well as the shorts and no jacket 😒. Congrats! Looking forward to seeing some more Texas bass!
  18. She did catch a spring peeper ! I've stopped including those catches on her total species lists. I just add them as a comment in my Excel files.
  19. Great catch for your daughter! Making memories and hopefully a lifetime fishing buddy.
  20. Congrats HW on putting in the time under crappie conditions! Rewarded with a great looking smallmouth!
  21. I would love to be part of this swap. I just need someone to tie me some flies to swap. I guess that I won't ask Wrench !
  22. Great video! You guys were dialled in on those crappie! I would loved to had caught either of those spoonbill from the video.
  23. I agree with JHK. Gavin can't wait to see some smiling and fish holding photos with your girls!
  24. That's a great brown! Congrats to you both!
  25. She tried to catch one of the bigger ones. If it wasn't 38 to 40 deg she would have dove in. She did go through the thought on how cold she would get and whether the change of clothes in the car would keep her warm enough .
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