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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by Johnsfolly

  1. Very Nice Walleye! Congrats!
  2. On less aggressive fish I will often go down to the 1/32 oz roostertail with the prop blade. It spins even on the slowest retrieve. Can throw this with 2# Pline. Works great for panfish as well. Just getting harder to find.
  3. On AMC is an eighties classic. Couple of guys thinking that they will get promoted after finding a $2 million dollar insurance fraud. Their host was dying to have them stay for a couple of days. Doesn't turn out the way they planned. Definitely a sappy 80s comedy. Has a great Porsche golf cart.
  4. Very nice hybrid! Were there a bunch of folks out fishing?
  5. Great job to you two tryimg to figure out Bill's system! Hopefully you can get it done! I know most think that this is a bunch of guys telling tall tale fishing stories but this forum is made up of good people willing to go out of their way to help out each other. Thanks.
  6. So I get ads for the Intimidator tree and post puller or 70s and 80s movie or TV quizzes. Not sure what that says about me☺! Maybe I need to get out and visit more sites.
  7. So if these fish were first caught 20 yrs ago would they be callled visor eyes😜?!? With some species like these guys that have variable features like coloration patterns and don't have really distinctive characters that separates species easily in the field, it may be best to go based upon the historic distribution of the different species. Will still look at some guidebooks when I get home. Can't see the full dorsal and anal fins. Also can't see the scales real well. Need to have Bret get a better camera ☺.
  8. My buddy and I are planning a sucker trip on Sat. Want some rain to get them staged at the creek mouths. I don't fish them enough to know what would be too much rain. Looks like 2 to 3 inches likely where we're going with most of the rain expected tomorrow.
  9. Very nice pair of brown trout! Congrats! You definitely put in the time on Capps and deserve the just rewards of a Feb brown trout Bonanza. Those are great fish.
  10. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    Problem with my phone is the size of the photos. Can only get two or three before exceeding the size limit. Not many meals only have two steps .
  11. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    Looks great! Would be something we would like in the Folly household 😀. Marty what meat did you use for this recipe - venison, goose, or some other critter?
  12. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    I'm getting tired of not being able to make my own meals. Getting lots of ideas from this thread. Now got to get home and make some food☺. I may even have to post a few.
  13. As BH stated these are populations that need our control. The tenant of conservation as opposed to preservation it to remove some from the population to benefit all species. Coyotes are one of the main predators of fox as well as many game animals over their range. I personally would prefer to know that a relative few are being harvested to maintain a healhy population than to have animals dying due to disease or starvation.
  14. Apparently that color works well on those 10 lb brush monsters!
  15. Just based upon location it is more likely a shadow bass. Would have to look at it again with one of my field guides handy.
  16. Yeah we would all like to go back and be "that guy" again. I'm still impressed with those fish! Congrats again buddy!
  17. Nice brown! Who caught that one? You guys are tearing them up compared to my day. Trout fishing this morning - 0. I had several browns short strike but no hookups. Micros this afternoon - 0. Saw only a handful of fish. You know its a rough day when you literally put the bait on a sculpin's head and it won't bite. Drive over 2 and a half hours through a wintery mix. Sucked! Can't wait to get on some desperate Missouri fish !
  18. So you'll be airing in central MO just as I am moving East. What online options are there for your show?
  19. Yeah. He said that he was the one that shot the fish, but that guy in the photo had hair ! Ok I'm a bit jealous of BH's alt state record. I've been trying to catch a state record sculpin using a limb line!
  20. Nice mixed bag of winter fish. Congrats buddy! Were you filming on this trip?
  21. Have to ask BilletHead how it feels to hold a record fish !
  22. Now you know why I thought that I had a brown when I hooked into that white sucker back in June. Those Native fish have plenty of power. Congrats and Keep channeling the Folly mojo ! Makes for a much more interesting trip or at least your posts will be more interesting !
  23. And they call me a microfishetman! Giving you props for gettting out and fishing. Good luck with the long rod!
  24. I may start to take some offense to the "old man" naps ! I feel very strongly that naps are wasted on children!
  25. I feel sorry for the guy from Poplar Bluff that gigged a 2 lb 8 oz northern hogsucker in Oct to break the state record at that time and then have this guy gig a bigger one in Jan. Reminds me of the state brown trout record a few years ago. I believe the first guy broke the record in July and the current record fish was caught in Oct.
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