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Everything posted by Johnsfolly

  1. This is probably in the thread already but I saw it on an old text thread from my son. Makes a father proud 😁! What is the difference between an elephant and a Zippo? One is very heavy and the other is a little lighter🤣 I definitely know that I posted this one before but it's one of Livie's favorites. What is the difference between a walrus and your mother? One has a mustache, lays around, and smells like fish. The other is a walrus!🤣
  2. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    Just need you some Chuck wagon batter and hot oil👍
  3. Just post photos and we are good😉
  4. Momma is usually close by waiting for folks to go by before going back to their fawns.
  5. Congrats on a pretty Brown! Sounds like a great day.
  6. Great story @Skeeter ZX190! How did you do on the fishing part? Catch any browns?
  7. Definitely a tournament that I would like to fish some time. A good cause for sure.
  8. I haven't used a Secchi disc in a couple of decades. Worked on a lake with a secchi depth of 13 to 15 meters. If we had one of the large oceanographic ones we may have been able to set it on the bottom (18 to 22 m) and still see it. Another lake the avg summertime secchi depth was less than 0.5 m. Very different productivity levels between the two extremes.
  9. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    Something that might interest @BilletHead. The sea bass was coated with a mixture of honey/garlic honey. Then panko. Had to watch since the honey got dark quickly. Very tasty and a technique we will do again. Served with broccoli Rabe and noodles.
  10. Wouldn't surprise me if the cartels are for the law to keep folks away from their coca plants.
  11. Reminds me of the phrase "If you ain't the lead dog the view is the same!" How many more times will this kid go out for a bike ride?🤣
  12. I don't advocate drinking, but thought this was very funny!
  13. This fish is a toad anywhere it would be caught! Even in Idaho😉 https://www.fieldandstream.com/fishing/idaho-angler-catches-smallmouth-bass-record/
  14. April 30 I know that April 30th is not May but that trip fits better with our activities. So we are chasing a number of lifer species. We were successful on the tessellated darters and the Blue Ridge sculpin so far this year. I had more intel on Potomac sculpin from the last time I chased these guys. I identified four potential spots to try with Livie. We decided to go to the spot farthest west first so if we get nothing, then head back east towards home. The first spot was Fifteenmile creek in the Green Ridge St Forest and is quite a bit away from the house. Supposed to be loaded with Potomac sculpin. We pulled up and the water was very clear and also had quite a few rainbow trout swimming in the pool below the pull off. We got on waders and headed to the creek. In the first two holes we saw a bunch of eastern blacknose dace that actually were difficult to catch for some reason. Livie and I were only able to land creek chubs. I will say that these next two fish put me on a rollercoaster. At first thought that they were creek chub, but saw a short first dorsal ray and a coloration pattern that lead me to believe that they were fathead minnows. I even saw fatheads on line with the same dorsal spot and body coloration. Sent photos out and got kick back that they are likely creek chubs. I dug more and found that creek chubs do have that same dorsal ray configuration. So I conceded 😒. So nothing new there. We did also catch some spotfin shiners. Further downstream I found a rock that had a small fish underneath. I had Livie come over to fish it and she caught her first potomac sculpin. Key features are the notch in the dark band prior to its tail and a single median pore under it chin. This fish has those characters😁. Now it was time for dad to catch one. Much easier said than done. I will cut to the chase though I had five opportunities on diferent fish I just never got a hookset on any of them. We spent a couple of hours trying to make it happen. Livie even found a large sculpin by bouncing bait in a hole. When I came over to get my bait in front of that fish it bit her bait as she pulled it out and landed that fish. Pay back from when I did that to her with a darter. Now this fish appears to have a notch in the tail band, but has two median pores on its chin. Still thinking that it is likely a potomac but need verification that it is not a blue ridge sculpin. We had a successful day and the little sculpin faces looking out from under the rocks but no longer interested in my baits will haunt me until I can get one in the bag.
  15. @MOPanfisher the river runs entirely through the state of Connecticut and makes up the border of Vermont and New Hampshire. Was more or less a pit 30 to 40 yrs ago when I lived in CT. Major cleanups since then. There are several species of anadromous and catadromous fish, including brook trout, winter flounder, blueback herring, alewife, rainbow trout, large brown trout, American shad (Alosa sapidissima), hickory shad, smallmouth bass, Atlantic sturgeon, striped bass (Morone saxatilis), American eel, sea lamprey, and endangered shortnose sturgeon and dwarf wedgemussels.[65] Additionally, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service has repopulated the river with another species of migratory fish, the Atlantic salmon, which for more than 200 years had been extinct from the river due to damming.[65] Several fish ladders and fish elevators have been built to allow fish to resume their natural migration upriver each spring. Fresh and brackish water residents of the main branch and tributaries include common carp, white catfish, brown bullhead, fallfish, yellow perch, smallmouth bass, largemouth bass, northern pike, chain pickerel, bluegill, pumpkinseed sunfish, golden shiner, and rock bass.[66]
  16. Two Irishmen, Paddy and Mick were working in a sawmill. One day Mick slips and his arm gets caught and severed by the big bench saw. Paddy quickly puts the arm in a plastic bag and rushes it and Mick to the hospital. The next day Paddy goes to the hosptial and asks how Mick was doing. The nurse says, "Oh he's out in rehab exercising." Paddy couldn't believe it, but there was Mick out in the rehab center exercising his now re-attached arm. The very next day he was back at work at the saw mill. A couple of days go by, and Mick slips and severs his leg with another mill saw. So Paddy wraps and put the leg in a plastic bag and takes Mick and his leg to the hospital. Next day he calls in to see Mick at the hospital and the nurse says, "He's out in rehab again exercising." Paddy goes to the rehab center and there is Mick running on the treadmill. Soon after Mick is back at work at the mill. Within a couple of days of his return, Mick once again slips and falls into the saw severing off his head. Wearily Paddy put the head in a plastic bag and takes it along with Mick to the hospital. As Before Paddy visits the next day to check up on his friend. When he asked how Mick was doing the nurse breaks down and cried, "Mick is dead!" Paddy is shocked but not surprised. "I guess that the mill finally did him in." "No." says the nurse. "Some idiot put his head in a plastic bag and he suffocated!"🤣
  17. Thanks for the report @LoweSTX175!
  18. Sounds like a great time Rick! Nothing better that fishing with friends. Being successful is just the cherry on top.
  19. Any gar around that area?
  20. Dave have you caught all of the Koi out of that pond already?
  21. A hunting themed laugh out loud funny video!
  22. Congrats on still catching variety buddy!
  23. Probably done by a bunch of biologists 😅. Seriously, @fishinwrench if you have details on the data from that study I would be interested in reading about it.
  24. Two hunters were out hunting when they came up to a deep dark hole. The one asks the other how deep he thought the hole might be. "We could drop something down into it and listen to hear how deep it might be." So they looked around and found an old transmission. Both of them carried it to the hole and tossed it in. As they were listening for the sound of it hitting the bottom they heard a heavy rustling in the brush. All of the sudden a goat came running at them and jumped into the hole. Neither of the hunters could make any sense for the goat jumping into the hole like that. An old farmer came running up the hunters. "Did you guys see my goat go by?" " We just saw him run at us and jump into this hole", they replied. "That's impossible. He was chained to an old tractor transmission!"🤣
  25. A drunk man sees a woman at the bar. He goes over to her and passionately kisses her. She pushes him away and slaps his face. I looks at her and apologizes. "You look just like my wife." "Well you just stay away from me you dirty, stinking drunk!" "You even sound like her!" 🤣
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