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Everything posted by Johnsfolly

  1. Any of you Capp's guys know if this spot is still there? Caught this brown between those trees going on seven years ago.
  2. We're good 😉! She bought ones that are in shells or in a ceramic top making them look like a nautilus or jellyfish.
  3. Livie has a couple of air plants that she picked up this summer.
  4. It's been a while but after being outside this spring and summer got our oncidium Shary Baby chocolate scented orchid to bloom 😁
  5. @Fish24/7 congrats on some great catching with >100 fish in the boat over two trips! Thanks for post a great report. Too bad a 4 lber didn't show up in the mix for a quick photo 😉. Can't wait for the next report.
  6. Congrats on a couple of nice bass! I love throwing a fluke, but have never tried them in that deep of water. Maybe if I wasn't fishing from the bank that would help 😅
  7. I hear ya Dan!
  8. I'm even working this Friday aka Black Friday. I keep hoping that my Saturday is the new Saturday 😂
  9. Making her into a night owl fisherperson. Congrats to you guys again!
  10. Can't believe that Thanksgiving is this Thurs. Good luck guys at Ollie Fest. I'm sure it will be windy😅.
  11. Nice catching those Taney trout on the long rod @JestersHK! Can't wait to see some more buddy.
  12. Thought depends were for watching a full football game without leaving your seat regardless of the numbers of beers you might have had🤣.
  13. Reading this It's like the teachers in Peanuts.. wah wah wah wah wah🤣
  14. @Quillback sounds like a great day to me. I was in meetings all day in case you know what I mean😅
  15. I have a tough time.passing on a legal deer😅. More excited.to fill the freezer. Congrats to your grandson on a great buck!
  16. The Maryland darter, the only animal unique to the state, is about to be declared extinct (msn.com) Marty had sent me a similar article. Sad news. I have had discussions with folks back in MO as well as here in MD as possibly finding this darter species. I have fished Deer and Octoraro Creeks for shad in the spring and have tried for micros. There just isn't many in the creek at least not in the number that I routinely would see in ozark streams. There is some diversity there, I have caught eel, shorthead redhorse sucker, gizzard shad, hickory shad, walleye, white perch, but have never seen a darter even the possible chesapeake logperch that is a possibility in those creeks. I have caught rosyside dace and white suckers in another much smaller tributary of the Susquehanna river, but again haven't seen any darters or even sculpin which whould be in that creek. Lots of habitat degradation due to human influence 😒
  17. Very true. I kept him for four years or so until it died.
  18. Juvenile snapping turtles like them too 👍. We've kept snappers for a short term (month to a couple of months) a few times when the kids would find one in the creek behind our house. Doen't take them long to find the guppies that we would feed them.
  19. When I was 12 yrs old, I was raising fancy guppies. We went to a fish auction and I baought a freshwater pufferfish. Took it home and put it in the tank with my guppies. Not more that 30 seconds went by before that puffer swam over to a guppy and bit it's tail off. Then proceeded to bit off chunks of the guppy as it followed the falling body to the bottom of the tank. Within a few days I had a pufferfish and a couple of catfish 🙄.
  20. Mine's an hour ahead due to EST🤣! What a plus to getting older 😉!
  21. Lunar eclipse 2021 pictures: Stunning photos show beaver ‘blood’ moon’s partial eclipse (yahoo.com) I went out about 1:25 am EST, then 2:35, and the last time about 3:40 am. At the last time the moon was ca. 7/8 covered. Then I went back to try to sleep again. I like lunar eclipses, but they are not as cool as solar eclipses. Anyone else watch it at all?
  22. Crappie fishing was yesterday's news on this thread😅
  23. I remember separating males and female fruit flies for genetics lab. I did like the apterous or wingless flies as well as the white-eyed flies and running the crosses. Wasn't fond of the smell of their diet but using the ether was a bonus sometimes 😉. Not even sure what they use now to knock out the flies to allow you to separate them. You can buy apterous flies as frog and reptile live feed and get breeding kits.
  24. I started as a materials engineer but weeded out by Fortran and my engineering classes. Enjoyed my metallurgy lab. Tested tensile strengths of various steels vs aluminum when heated and then when cooled with liquid nitrogen. Looked at grain structures of various alloys, etc. Then ended up in biology/ecology. Collected and identified and enumerated microorganisms from thousands of lake samples.
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