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Everything posted by Johnsfolly

  1. Congrats on catching some beauties! Won't be long and some browns will be in that mix.
  2. Congrats buddy on a job well done. So glad that we were able to make it happen on this trip! You and I know that once you achieve a goal it's likely on to the next 😁. If they have been paying attention to your posts maybe on other threads,, then they should know that more are coming. And it's worth noting that I did not catch a pigfishπŸ˜”.
  3. Thanks and just know that I really have enjoyed getting to guide/fish with you in my "new" home waters. Keep posting to get these guys off our backs πŸ˜‰!
  4. Hey I was working harder than a one-legged man in a butt kicking contest working on Ham's list as well as Livie's 🀣!
  5. He got that one on his own! The spot on Silver lake that I took him to only yielded one brown bullhead πŸ™„.
  6. If you have been following Ham's accounting in the Push for 100. We got a little lucky with the right tide on the bluespotted and also some luck with the white perch to end the first day with 8 new species for the year. Still pressure, but far less than if we still needed 5 or more species going into day 2.
  7. Glad that we made the run down to the Lebanon Landing at dusk to get these guys out of the way. Before @JestersHK says it yes these guys are typically used as bait for flounder and other species πŸ˜‰. Left you two to go as we did the transition to the brackish/marine species.
  8. Not likely to get much more than a hand slap. Game fines really are weak even for big game animals that are poached. For squirrels I doubt the group gets anything more than $800 to $1000 in fines. Hopefully we can get a follow up.
  9. Very true
  10. Hey @Quillback you got out and caught fish. Sounds like a good day to me!
  11. I would still have a problem if they took their legal limits of 320 squirrels. Way too much pressure.
  12. Having snakehead in Tuckahoe lake is the detriment of fish laddersπŸ˜’
  13. Glad that you got this guy Ham! They are spotty in the upper parts of the rivers after late spring. So wasn't going to get hopes that one would be caught. If we had the time to fish the lower choptank river in Cambridge, would have had money on catching a few. Never would have thought that you would catch one in the lake.πŸ‘
  14. Good luck and can't wait for a successful trip report with photos πŸ‘ (for @snagged in outlet 3 of course πŸ˜‰)
  15. @Smalliebigs congrats on catching those toads! You're putting in the time to target and find those big temperate bass and it is paying big (fish) dividends!
  16. Here's the first bluespotted. That ensured a more committed response to get one or more for Ham. Glad that we got that done. These are a special little fish and are not really common or more so overlooked maybe.
  17. Livie #94 Pinfish. She caught the only pinfish on the day even when Others may have cast into her spot as she was releasing another fish πŸ™„.
  18. Livie #93 L bluefish. First fish of the day for her! Didn't expect to see a snapper blue today.
  19. I don't but have been looking at Round valley lake for possible late fall Lakers. Will have to look into Merrils creek.
  20. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    Ribeye steak with mushrooms and zucchini saute plus cauliflower au gratin.
  21. Looks like you guys are doing well. Congrats on a good showing (so far) for their first TR tourney!
  22. That is a giant white catfish! We have thought that any over 2 lbs were bigπŸ€”. Thanks @Quillback for posting the article.
  23. Awesome grassie Dave! Love those turkey photos as well.
  24. I have quite a few cans at the house. I only have a couple of the cone top cans that look like those oil cans. I have a Coors can like the one shown above. I never had seen any can from the Best brewing company. That is definitely a cool find. Pretty darn good condition for being out in the elements for that long. Thanks for posting that find.
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