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Everything posted by Johnsfolly

  1. Pretty sure I knew that 😅
  2. Actually didn't need too. Darters really aren't that slimy 😅!
  3. I get my photo tanks at Hobby Lobby. Of course I do get looks from the cashier as I am buying three or four packs of little girl lip gloss 😅. Throw out the lip gloss and you're good to go. Still have the fogging issue but with a little care you can get good photos like these. Won't hold a trout though. I did build one using 1/4 inch plexiglass and silicone caulk which did not hold together due to the weight of the water. did get a couple of nice drum photos before it split. here's the drum out of the water to give a perspective of tank size.
  4. And to think I was just getting able to sleep again... Not now maybe not forever😅
  5. A good man with the right prioroities right here 👍😁
  6. I have to get on board with some skipjack. Can't let @Ham and @FishnDave have all the fun. Found some INat spots for these guys on the Ohio river about 5 to 6 hours from us. They were caught in Oct. So a fall trip will likely be in order. Also that would be when I would try for sauger again in those same areas, i.e., below locks on Monongahela and Ohio rivers in WV.
  7. Congrats!
  8. I had access to a 32 acre wooded lot. The landowner not only gave me written permission but also laminated it. I kept that in my glove compartment. Probably still in there. Land was sold so it no longer applies anyway.
  9. A woman goes into the kitchen and sees her husband stalking flies with a flyswatter. She asks the great fly hunter how is is doing and if he has killed any flies. "Yes three males and two female flies so far", he replied. She asks how he knows the flies genders. " Three were on the beer can and two were on the phone."🤣
  10. Would be an awesome catch though!
  11. Agree that it is a very different place during the winter C&R season. Sometimes you never know what characters you may find down there at that time (yes a couple of OAF folks back in 2018).
  12. You and me both😉
  13. Big or small, love them all! With photos 😅!
  14. Banjo minnow for me. Did work great just the baits didn't last very long and were too expensive to replace.
  15. Yes but more remote.
  16. Back in 2013 I made it a goal to catch a trout in every designated trout water in Missouri. After getting skunked on my first trip I had to figure something out for those skittish fish or else I would have to make that 8 hr round trip again and again. My wife is only so understanding. After fishing there and Barren Fork creek I learned to be a lot stealthier.
  17. Very nice. Congrats!
  18. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    Looks delicious!
  19. We have had a few old man of the woods in our yard the last couple of years. Still not too interested in trying them.
  20. The first trip there the trout would spook as soon as my baits hits the water. It was a 4 hr drive. So the next trip I brought the blind..I was able to kneel.behind it and once the fish settled I could cast microjigs and caught several. Other trips I would wear camo and use trees and tall weeds to block myself from the fish. Make as long a cast upstream as possible not to spook the fish.
  21. I didn't measure it but figured it was around 13 to 14 inches and had some shoulders. My longest was over 15 inches, but he was struggling after the spawn. I didn't want to handle him too much and measured that one using the net. I know guys catch bigger ones.
  22. Only of fish. And the trusty trout blind 😅
  23. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    Thanks Marty. I was going to ask the same question. I have found that blanched does lose some flavor and the texture is a little softer. Will have to try just straight off the cob if we get any big bunches. Right now just getting enought to eat off the cob in one or two meals.
  24. JF #98 Bluntnose minnow, Pimephales notatus I guess there is fishing karma after all 😅. Got beaten up on Sat by regulations, travel (378 miles round trip), monsoon thunderstorms, and lack of darters. But looked through the photos and confirmed this was a bluntnose and not a juvenile river chub that I thought that it might be. The head looks similar between the chub and the bluntnose minnow. Mouth position and orientation are a little different. Both may have the caudal spot and a complete lateral line. The big difference is the short first dorsal ray shown by this fish that is about half the height of the second ray and had a membrane between the two, which is found in the Pimephales genus. There is a faint spot of coloration at the front of the dorsal fin, but not really dark. Photo below is close-up of dorsal. So I apologize to those that had to read my tirade after getting drenched and run of the creek by lightning for a second time - you know who you are. Oh as an FYI metal grated bridges offer little if any rain protection 🙄. added a couple more photos - I know that @snagged in outlet 3 likes those photos 😅
  25. JF #97 Swallowtail Shiner, Notropis procne. Caught this one a week ago, but just got some confirmation of species. - added this is a new lifer as well.
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