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Everything posted by Johnsfolly

  1. I mix regular bread crumbs with panko about 50:50 ratio. Then I add dried oregano, basil, garlic powder and ground black pepper. The last ingredient is parmesan cheese. If I am making approximately 2 cups of mixture, I add approximately 2 tablespoons of the dried herbs, one to one and half tablespoon of the garlic, 2 tablespoons of parmesan and the pepper by feel. Breading is a dredge in seasoned flour (salt&pepper), egg wash, and then bread crumbs.
  2. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    didn't want to show my bottom on-line. Sent you a text. It's a small block Griswold No. 8, no heat ring. Probably mid 50's. I have had it well over 35 years.
  3. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    Tonight was about corn meal. Honey skillet cornbread made in a vintage Erie skillet. Po boy sandwiches. Corn meal coated crappie and shrimp. Also shrimp, yellow bell pepper, and capers in a cajun aioli.
  4. Nice report! Great fishing as always. Congrats!
  5. Think of your Spring creek trip as a recon for the next time you head out that way. Always good to appreciate a nice day on some fine creeks.
  6. I lost my license and now I don't drive! I've got a limo and ride in the back. I lock the doors incase I'm attacked. Livie's favorite line - They say that I'm lazy, but it takes all my time!
  7. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    I've got heartburn just from the photo😌 Bet that it tasted good.
  8. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    This morning was corn beef hash topped with over easy eggs.
  9. I've eaten plenty of 11.5 inch bass from lakes that I have fished around Columbia. Got lots of grief about that practice but I like to eat fish and the point is to thin out the abundant small fish to ease the competition for food.
  10. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    While my Betterhalf made dinner. I made cinnamon sugar nuts.. Recipe consisted of egg white and vanilla whipped to soft peaks. Mixed in e cups of mixed nuts. Them mixed into cinnamon and brown sugar mix. Cooked about 60 mins at 250 deg. Mixing the nuts every 15 mins.
  11. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    So my Betterhalf used a quarter of the pork loin to make a pork and lemongrass dish. She cut the pork into 1/4 inch thick strips. Had lots of minced lemongrass, garlic, red chilis, chopped peanut and fish sauce. Served with thick asian noodles. Very tasty. Photo of the last bit in the pan.
  12. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    Ventured out to the store..picked up a bunch of supplies including a pack of TP. Only one pack per customer. Shelves were not empty nor full either. Lots of folks in masks. Didn't have whole chickens to break down. Bought 10 lbs of chicken quarters for $10. Broke it down into about 5 meals worth of legs and thighs. Also picked up a whole pork loin. Quarter we used tonight and three portions into the freezer. Along with the venison we still have in there we won't starve that's for sure.
  13. My buddy owns a restaurant in Daytona. He let me know that he is good for three more months if they remain closed. I hope that he is right. He's a smart guy. Didn't buy the restaurant without having enough backing for up to two years without drawing any money for himself from the restaurant. Again I hope that by June things have taken a turn for the better.
  14. I have had the same $40 in my wallet for the last three weeks. That just means that there has been no bait or lures being purchased or convenience store drinks, etc.. We were trying to get some food using their curbside pickup for the local restaurant that we frequented BC (before COVID), but that was before the stay at home order here in MD.
  15. Yes. Especially when I pass folks in the hallways here at work.
  16. Great day all around @Fish 24/7! And a good meal to top it off! Congrats!
  17. Johnsfolly

    Cast iron

    Would definitely apply to stinkhorns. Wouldn't have thought about calling small morels by that name.
  18. Great day of snagging! Congrats guys! Only been once and snagged a blue cat. Bumped fish but no hookups. Love to catch one.
  19. Only in a figurative sense . Hey I gave @Quillback a pass on saying that he wanted to go catch some bream on a different thread. I'm mellowing in my age .
  20. Being German I could treat this statement as hate mongering , but I won't cause I know it was not the intention buddy
  21. Technically this was your first bass of the day. First sunfish of the day taxonomically speaking .
  22. Not sure, but that was my personal progression.
  23. I went from Sluggo to banjo minnow to flukes. BM still had the greatest action. Still have some Sluggos around. Maybe even a BM in a less than effective color. Have to clean out the old tackle. If I was actually stay at home, I might get through all of that gear. But still working every day at the office.
  24. Now bring back episodes of "The fishing Hole with Jerry McKinnis" and I am there . Loved that show!
  25. I have a couple of those in one of my tackle boxes. Got them from a friend and never used them . I did really like using the Banjo minnows. Great action, but would get shredded after only a couple of fish.
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