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Everything posted by Johnsfolly

  1. Looking closer on a larger screen, sure looks like a hornyhead chub.
  2. Big or small I love to catch them all ๐Ÿ˜€. I microfish to catch more lifers but still like a strong tug if I can get one. I'll have to look at that sucker some more on a larger screen than my phone. You were catching them on a fly? @Ham would definitely be interested in details about catching suckers on a fly. That second fish is a striped shiner.
  3. Great photos of nice fish and beautiful water! Do you have any photos of the shiner or the suckers? If you haven't seen a lot of my posts, I like figuring out exactly what I catch and am interested in what others catch outside of the bass, walleye, catfish, etc. So I would love to see more of the non-typical species .
  4. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    To stick with the autumn soup theme. We caught only three keeper crabs Sunday morning. There was a family in the section that we wanted to crab. Can't complain since they were there from 4 am. We obviously snoozed and lost on that section of the bridge . Steamed the crabs in the usual Old Bay. Once cooled my Betterhalf cleaned them while I made the rest of the soup. I had coated each side of a medium butternut squash with coconut oil, powdered ginger, and black pepper. Put them cut side down on a baking sheet and baked them for 55 to 60 minutes at 350. Let them cool before removing the flesh. Minced about 2 TBS of fresh ginger and cooked that in 1 cup of seafood stock that my Betterhalf made after last Sunday's crab meal. Added the squash to the boiling liquid and cooked for about 10 mins, added some more powdered ginger and black pepper then mixed in 1/4 to 1/3 cup of coconut milk and another cup of the seafood stock. Cooked five more mins and blended the soup smooth. Back in the pot and folded in crabmeat and gently heated until all was at the right temp. Added a little salt and more pepper to season and served over jasmine rice. Turned out pretty tasty !
  5. That's a toad Mitch! My largest ever was just over 3 lbs. Yours might have eaten mine. ๐Ÿ˜Œ.
  6. I'm sorry about your loss. You did what had to be done to keep Doc from suffering more than he had been.
  7. What moguy1973 said๐Ÿ‘.
  8. Looks like a grass carp. Pretty nice catch on a topwatet bait. I still haven't caught one myself. So a bit jealous but happy for you. Looked like a good multispecies day. Congrats!
  9. Nice call on the subspecies!
  10. Nice! Congrats buddy on getting some creek bass! That spot looks like natural colored crappie jigs would get a lot of bites as well. Can't wait to see what you catch today if get back after them!
  11. I love seeing multiple wakes going after my top water bait in shallow creeks. Always exciting to see who hits it first๐Ÿ˜€. I fished the pool beneath a briidge on a similar skinny creek. Had ten wakes go after my bait. Caught five on the top water and three others on a fluke. That was fun๐Ÿ˜€.
  12. On a creek like that you will need to carry a backdrop so that folks don't recognize the spots by looking at the background of your photos ๐Ÿ˜œ! Would love to be fishing out there with you.
  13. I have fished a creek that had vanishing sections some summers. There may have been 50 feet or more between spots of water. I did find that the fish were ultra aggressive in the actual pools. Also that they would stack up at the heads of those pools in the water that was cooled by running under the gravel.
  14. Great looking bass! Congrats! Looks like a lot of fun. Quite jealous from here in Maryland๐Ÿ˜Œ.
  15. That very likely the reason for folks to get a divorce!
  16. Nice stripers! Congrats!
  17. I want to catch more stinkin bass. So I'll have to get me a block of wood ๐Ÿ˜€!
  18. Fake news!!! Oh that was white bass... never mind.
  19. I had looked at the Skunk river when I was in Iowa. Since we were staying in Marshalltown, I was looking for spots near Rt 65 north of I-80. As I mentioned it was rolling chocolate milk and only a few feet below the bridge at that time. Nice Shirt!
  20. Surprised that they weren't vomiting up shad with that full belly.
  21. I've only fished in Iowa once. We were around Newton for the Indycar race back in 2018. I had looked at maps and found a few likely river and creek spots to try on that trip. Did not check the previous week's weather or USGS gages. Everything was flooded. Did manage three small LMB from a small pond north of Newton.
  22. That don't appreciate the finer things in life and are not properly appareled for proper piscatorial endeavors.
  23. Is that the worm container that flips over to open so that the worms all end up near the opening instead of on the bottom of the container? My buddy has one of those. He thinks that it makes him cool. to me it looks like those old coin dispensers .
  24. @FishnDave quite a day you had out in the Ozarks! Those were some nice smallies as well!
  25. Sophisticated cheese chuckers use PowerBait! Also separates them from those Vi-Anner Sausage crowds.
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