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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by Johnsfolly

  1. Great advice!
  2. I will note that Al Gore may have never dreamed that when he invented the internet that he would get this much attention !
  3. When I was in 7th grade I did a project on how a household could contribute to their local energy requirements by contributing trash (and waste) to a neighborhood compost and methane production center. The house would recycle gray water (didn't know that term at the time). As you mentioned it is unlikely that a larger scale may not be practical. Even a small scale might not generate enough "fuel" to generate a sufficient amount of energy.
  4. Very nice paint job!
  5. I have done that to crappie and other species, but only with fish that we were keeping for the table. That way they are considered separated in case the warden checked us. Never released a fish that was clipped.
  6. It's more likely student loans than cocaine or strip clubs...
  7. Your comment provides some perspective. I found a site (cannot confirm accuracy of values, but seem accurate) that had average and the range of salaries at the MDC for the following: Aquatic Biologist (likely included fisheries guys) - $47K - Range from $34 to $66K Wildlife biologist - $49K - Range from $36 to $69K Forester - $39K - Range from $27 to $57K Botanist - $39K Range from $28 to $50K If these were the only salaries for their household, I would doubt that most of them would be able to afford a fresh vehicle (or two), nice house, or able to contribute much in sending their kid(s) to college. That is without considerable amount of debt. I employ over 60 staff members that have a biological science background with a range from 1 to 32 years of experience. Except for some of long tenured folks, nearly all of my staff need a second income from a spouse or partner to have what you describe.
  8. Wrench I would love to hear what you think is getting paid quite well? $15, $20, $25, $50/hr?
  9. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    Ness - Good looking bread and a fine shepherd's pie! Guinness in the gravy sounds excellent!
  10. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    Not a problem buddy. Thanks for gifting it to my family. We have been using one block and the other is in the freezer !
  11. 13.5" it's a hybrid !
  12. Congrats on your success! I love seeing guys catching those brown fish!
  13. Congratulations Pat! Sue, myself and the family (though a couple are out your way still) are glad that you had a great day. I got some face time with your husband in Arkansas. Sue and I can't wait to see you Both again.
  14. Every energy source has a cost associated with them. Wind generation is great unless you are a bird or bat. I would rather see solar or wind "farms" on city rooftops than taking over large open areas a disrupting those ecosystems. Both are also considerable eyesores (though not as much as a cooling tower or coal plant). We do need a variety of sources and should not be mandated to have one source or another.
  15. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    I had bangers and mash at an Irish gastropub on our travels yesterday to celebrate St Patrick's day a day early😌. We also tried beef bacon for our breakfast yesterday. I am not a big fan. The fat doesn't render as well nor taste as good as pork fat. As Emeril would say "pork fat rules!"
  16. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    You know that with most watnings there was an incident that caused them to put on the warning. Not sure what flour eating incident resulted in a possible lawsuit.
  17. Great looking brown trout! A testament to a fine jig! 6# line! Must have been a great fight.
  18. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    Nothing home made here yesterday. Did have beef pot pie from the Amish market and an apple and walnut pie for dessert to celebrate. March 14th - PI day.😁
  19. Looking at that photo the mouth is too small for the size of the fish and the jaw line does not appear to extend beyond the eye. Though it does not have the spotting common to spotted bass it looks more like a spot than a largemouth.
  20. Don't worry about Sadie its the sun off of the dome that will get the birds flaring from this blind !
  21. Sounds like you were throwing what they wanted to eat! Congrats on a great catching trip!😁
  22. Good for her and to you dad for taking her out fishing!
  23. Very nice trout. Congrats! Love that brown trout.
  24. Bret great job wearing off your sons thumb😁. Nothing like lipping a lot of bass and having that badge of accomplishment. Congrats on some nice smallies!
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