I have voiced my opinion on other threads about whether triploids should be considered as state or world record fish. I would love to catch some but still think that they be considered separately from diploid trout for record considerations.
I know that I may get some grief but folks have been producing and releasing triploid grass carp for decades. They are stocked for weed control and because they are considered sterile should not overpopulate the lake or pond that they were released into. Lots of issues with this practice.
I don't know how long folks have been producing triploid trout.
Looks great Duane! Would like to see that running in a 2 to 3 foot deep fast run on the Current. That bait just ticking hard off of rocks and veering off to the left or right with a big brown slashing at it as it passes it by.
I've met Hank twice now. Enjoyed talking with him. He would fit in well here on the forum. Anyone that hunts or forages has to check out his website that BH provided earlier and cookbooks. He takes a global view on his dishes that stretches my thoughts on how to prepare game meals.
I enjoyed seeing other hunter's deer at the check in station. The telecheck is so covenient. I have a friend that shoots big bodied deer. He telechecks at the recovery site if he has signal then he often quarters the deer to get it back to his truck.
This is the greatest aspect of this forum. Guys actually take out total strangers to fish with them. Like most of us the weekends are so limited that it never fails to amaze me on how folks on here give away their time to fish with others from the forum. @lmt out and @wtr dogs, congrats to you both!
Did you get any of the guys that brought in a cold deer with rigor mortis at 10 am opening morning saying that they shot it that morning?
I have a friend in the MDC and he told me that in the first year of the phone telecheck manned by live people that they caught hundreds of folks that checked in "does' that were actually bucks simply by asking how many points did the deer have. if you answered with a number they came to your house.
I agree. Prefer to trout fish from Oct to April. Problem with Oct is hunting conflicts but try to get browns in their prespawn attempts. However most of my trips occur after mid Feb. Usually very few people and the fish have usually recovered from any attempted spawn and are active feeders.
Too bad you didn't grow the squash😜. Looked great. We love winter squash and especially stuffing them like those. When we moved our chest freezer filled with my venison not sure things would stay frozen. It was all good. Now I'm thinking grinding and mixing up some sausage. Then need to get some acorns here at the Folly house East.
A great photo essay! I'm as excited or more so for tha ozark bass than the smallmouth. I didn't get a chance to fish for them in Finley before my life got crazy with work travel. Can't do everything.
It does have a thick skin that needs to be peeled off the meat inside. You don't want it tasting you while you're tasting it 😌.
The texture of the meat can be an issue to those that haven't eaten tongue. We like it though don't have access to get it often. If we shot more than one or two deer a season would certainly try deer tongue. Have a couple of recipes I would want to try.