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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by Johnsfolly

  1. Very impressive Al. Thanks for the tutorial.
  2. That's a great memory! She sure looks excited. Hopefully you get a lifetime fishing partner. Congrats!
  3. Congrats on the fish that you and Seth have caught already! Good luck in the tourney! Can't wait to see some big Taney trout!
  4. I get blamed there for bringing the bad weather and get blamed here as well ! I can't win.
  5. Marty you know that I am jealous of the nice white bass but you rubbed it in with that buffalo. Great job to both of you! I know that you dialled up this cold snap just to avoid taking the Follys to OK !
  6. I agree the triploids have a washed out bronze coloration and the ones I've seen in photos also have less spotting overrall. They remind me of photos of browns caught in the great lakes.
  7. I concur with the previous sentiments. Phil thanks for your efforts. I appreciate being able to rant as well share my obsessive behavior in regards to fishing adventures, etc. I have not yet found a similar site out here in Maryland.
  8. Thanks BH. Couple of tbings about the video: You don't need expensive or highly technical gear to catch fish! Although not natives, I would love to catch some mulitspecies in little water like those in this video. I cringe about the potential of getting bit by fire ants !
  9. Great job guys. Some very nice spoonbill! Got me pretty jealous. Don't know if I will even get out on my limited time in MO in April.
  10. A couple of those browns look like they have been filling up on shad. Great bunch of trout. Congrats!
  11. Look like I'm missing some trout action .
  12. No one accused of being crazy because you fish in the rain,..... maybe because of your marathon Taney trips... !
  13. That is if you don't buy a bunch more pretty rocks !
  14. Seth I seem to recall that in your opening day video that there was at least one guy near you that may have wanted to dunk you a time or two !
  15. Nice bass Bo! Congrats!
  16. Great bunch of brown fish guys! Not the browns that I would think about catching in Taney. Though last year I caught a decent smallie down there .
  17. That's the great thing about fishing. Sometimes you just don't know what you are going to catch. Congrats on a nice catfish!
  18. Wow! As you can imagine or experienced, Livie and I get a bit competitive on our fishing trips, who caught the most, the biggest, the first, etc. Usually the winner would get something small like a drink or a dessert, etc. Last year during one of my trips to Maryland (actually it was over Father's day), Livie bought a Bass Pro shops catfish magnet and painted it gold to use as our fishing trophy. On the first trip that we used the trophy as the prize, we were trying for catfish on Little Dixie lake near Columbia. It was a really windy day and the fishing was really tough. On one of our drifts I hooked up on the largest blue catfish that I have caught on a rod and reel. She did end up catching her first yellow bullhead on that trip. We haven't had another trip yet where the golden catfish has been the trophy. Maybe when I get her out on a party boat offshore this summer .
  19. We haven't brought up the "Golden Catfish Trophy" since last year. I am still the current holder of this coveted award . We'll have to find a venue that has lots of targets, maybe crappie at our local lake in Columbia. I won't even challenge her (yet) on a hand fishing tourney. If we can swing it, maybe you and your daughter could participate .
  20. I do look the city slicker! I only had so much room in my suitcase for nearly a three week stay and didn't bring a more suitable fishing jacket. I'm sure that the guys that saw me fishing on Sat were thinking who is this guy. Then I kept catching fish after fish while the were just wetting their lines or landing one or two ! I stumbled on what those fish want4ed to bite. Livie and I could have had the same kind of day on Sunday if we had more time. We only caught 19 in 30 mins. Wonder how many we could have caught in three hours.
  21. She is a OAF member (Follyslittlestfish) that does not post. I would be more than happy for her to post these reports. No issues from me. Hey I am only 1300 likes behind Quillback .
  22. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    That would be better than using the microwave in the room especially if I was trying to cook fish . Not sure what housekeeping is thinking now that there are three of us in the same room.
  23. Quill Great looking stripers! Again sounds like a great day of fishing! Glad that you were able to get out with some friends and put some fish in the boat.
  24. We were headed out to Delaware for a late lunch. Good thing the creek is on the way. I wanted Livie to get on the white perch like I did yesterday. I rigged her line with a float about 30 inches above an Aberdeen hook and worm piece. A 1/16 oz split shot above the worm completed the rig. She made a couple of casts slightly upstream and had no bites. I had her cast across the creek and she got bit soon after the bait hit the water. Livie hooked and landed her first white perch. I had rigged up a tandem rig like the one used on Sat. with a 1/16 oz chartreuse jig head with green pumpkin / chartreuse slider about 12 inches below a white/chartreuse trout magnet jig. Live was talking smack after landing her second perch. I caught six white perch on as many casts while the worm bite faded. I convinced her to fish the tandem rig and told her to cast upstream, lightly jig and reel in the line and feel for the line to go heavy or set the hook on a tap. She caught a fat white perch on her first cast. She caught a couple of more whites while I was still getting no love on the worm. As I was replacing the worm rig with a 1/32 oz tube jig with the green pumpkin/chart slider, Livie caught her first yellow perch on the trout magnet. She was very excited as I was on this catch. We only spent about 30 minutes fishing this section of creek. Livie caught 9 total and I caught 10. We headed up well upstream to the spillway below Tuckahoe lake. I have caught white and yellow perch, fallfish, and redbreast sunfish in this section last year. I don't know if it was the elevated flow of the water, temperature, or just the wrong bait, but we did not get more than a few nibbles on the worm rig and none on the slider. Livie did once again prove that her talents as a hand-fisher are not confined to Missouri as she caught this eastern mosquitofish ! Looks like we will have to wait until it gets a bit warmer and get Livie some other new Maryland species.
  25. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    Now I know that I cam going to get crap from those foodie purists that want to see only homecooked meals and step by step photos , but when you are living out of a hotel you got to share what you can on what you are eating. I took my Betterhalf and Livie into Delaware to have some seafood. Since we wanted to try several things we all shared the meal. Livie wasn't too impressed with the raw oysters, but would likely eat them again. Didn't take long to polish off a half dozen ! Then we split the Chesapeake chicken (chicken topped with lump crab) - very good - My Betterhalf's favorite for today. Livie and I preferred the rockfish and capers.
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