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Everything posted by Johnsfolly

  1. You should try and get to Burr Oak brewery on the east side of Columbia next time you are by the Burr oak.
  2. I have only seen young trout in a couple of the blue ribbon streams. Baby bass were seen in the creek/river that we have both fished πŸ˜‰ before.
  3. sorry @snagged in outlet 3 no photos of tiny bass, but I have have caught at least a couple that were no more than 2" in length. One bit a 1.5" roostertail. Here is a wild brook trout from PA that I caught last year. It was probably 2.75 - 3" in length.
  4. Gosh darn biologists catching giant sturgeon on taxpayer dollarsπŸ˜…! I would love to catch a white sturgeon even a tenth of the size of these fish! Bucket list fishing. https://www.outdoorlife.com/conservation/idaho-biologists-catch-and-release-huge-white-sturgeon/
  5. @Phil Lilley that is a tank of a rainbow trout! Congrats sir!
  6. Sounds like a great day Jeff! Some beauties for certain.
  7. I knew that I was pretty smart. I confirmed that by scoring a 170 on an online IQ test. I just had to answer three questions. 1) What is my credit card number? 2) what is my social security number? 3) What is my birthdate? 🀣🀣
  8. At least we don't have to kick you out of our garbage cans πŸ˜…!
  9. Nothing wrong with catching some thick hybrids. Congrats!
  10. Congrats on a very nice LMB! Hope to see many more the rest of the year.
  11. That's a good looking spot!
  12. You need to take it off the bone 🀣
  13. If you can't blame the netman who can you blameπŸ˜‰ ?!? Seth you should offer a guide service similar to DJ's one fish guarantee. Except you would guarantee that the client has the opportunity at a 20+' brown trout and that the guide won't catch it from under the client 😁. Seriously it has to happen for you, hopefully soon.
  14. Don't know when it was named, but the name reflects the common name or vice versa - Percina macrocephala (macro - large, cephala - head or associated to the head). Related to logperch and ozark logperch found in MO and AR. @BilletHead I saw a similar or the same article on a different feed. This species seems to be a big river species based upon the collections that are on Fishmap.org. So it is very likely to be missed on many surveys. Even with that this it is still considered to be a species of concern or imperiled across its range. I think that is it a pretty cool fish.
  15. Glad that your on the mend. Don't poke the Pharma bear talking about herd immunity πŸ˜‰ but I agree. We are seeing a few folks at work affected by having it themselves or family members. Our oldest daughter out in MO just got over it herself.
  16. Wouldn't hurt my feelings at all to give it a walk around the pond and a quick photo and release πŸ˜‰
  17. 20 lifers were caught on our Florida trip. Any trip to FL is a shot in the arm for the life-list fisherperson! Livie caught 56 lifers during her push to 100 πŸ™‚!
  18. They're a river species primarily so about the same sizes as you would expect for a river smallmouth.
  19. Caught bantam sunfish with help from @Ham but missed out on spotted in FL and banded sunfish if FL and MD. Did catch yellow bass in IL. Caught a black bullhead with help from @FishnDave . Missed out on flat bullhead in NC. Tried for northern Kingfish in NJ but no luck. Ended up with 35 lifers in 2021 and over 100 species in 2021😁. We did make the shad trip in March and the FL trip in Apr. The others didn't happen.
  20. This is a giant shoal bass! Must have been a great fight. https://www.fieldandstream.com/fishing/angler-catches-georgia-record-shoal-bass/?amp
  21. Agreed!
  22. Worse smelling fruit has to be ginko.
  23. You know that's right! Photos if I catch themπŸ˜‰
  24. That was in 2020 ?!? Makes sense but Wow on losing a year basicallyπŸ™„. I hope that we could fish the secret creek sometime if I am able to get out that way. That would be for those goldeye, possible shortnose gar, and grass carp. Then I still need to get after koi or two.
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