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    St. Joseph, MO

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Banded Pygmy Sunfish

Banded Pygmy Sunfish (4/89)



  1. You might as well ask for their fishing spot too lol. I highly doubt you'll get an answer to this question, but I would suggest trapping in creeks.
  2. I'm curious to what kind of jerk bait you were throwing? My favorite is the shallow shadow rap, they were killing it last year all the way into July at night. It's crazy how close to the banks they get this time of year, I've even seen a few with their backs out of the water! I don't bother getting the boat out either this time of year, I find it's much easier just to fish from the bank. I found you just have to learn how to fish the shallow snags and not be afraid to set the hook, as they usually bite pretty light and you don't know they are there until you give that little jerk. They haven't moved up yet up North here yet, but should be within the next week or so. I cannot wait, it's my favorite time of year!
  3. What difference would that make? If they are not returned to where they were caught, they would still be confused and lost.
  4. Thanks Wrench, they got me what I need.
  5. I purchased VMC 9650 Round Bend Treble Hooks size 6 to replace damaged hooks on my Shadow Raps shallow diving. It now sinks to quickly, any suggestions on what to use? Every time I catch a catfish on a Shadow Rap, they destroy my hooks!
  6. Did we even have the internet forums in 1987?
  7. Depends on what kind of fishing you do, and what type of boat you have. I have a tiller and strictly fish for Walleyes. I do a lot of trolling and my trolling motor is not always in the water. So mine is on the transom and I can also control my trolling motor from the back of the boat where I do all of my fishing. I rarely fish from the bow. I don't bass fish but I would imagine if you are fishing from the bow, you would want it mounted on the trolling motor.
  8. https://www.fishusa.com/product/American-Fishing-Wire-Split-Ring-Pliers Not orange handled but might be what you are looking for.
  9. Sure they weren't Snow Geese?
  10. Needs to include wake boats!
  11. Mozingo and Smithville have some trophies too. I've caught 2 28's multiple 26's and my buddy a 29 out of Mozingo. I've also seen a few big ones floating . I'm determined to catch a 30+ out of Mozingo or Smithville.
  12. Let me add to that. Maybe if you have a good week or more of below freezing weather you could probably find some smaller ponds that would be safe, but I doubt you would find any good ice on any larger bodies of water.
  13. It's not thick enough up here in the Northwest corner of the state, so I doubt it is safe in the STL area.
  14. I'll just take the submarine drone that he said the Chinese could keep, and sell it and keep the profits for my retirement.
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