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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by m&m

  1. m&m


    Thanks. Great information. Mike
  2. m&m


    Bigmo, thanks for the report. Nice pictures. Any idea about the water temperature in the area you were fishing? mike
  3. thanks, Mike
  4. Smalls21, thanks for the report. Any idea what the water temp was? Mike
  5. The Stone County Assessor's Office web page has a county map. You can click on it and through a series of clicks you can add layers to the map that shows the owner and boundaries of all pieces of property in Stone County. The map reflects the shoreline of the lake and the part owned by USA. I believe Hunter53 is correct about the leasing that allows the restricted access.
  6. I use this ramp a few times a year. it is never crowded and I have experienced no problem from the INN. Mike
  7. Toby the pointer dog. Mike
  8. Hardhead, in 2015 switched to the palomar knot exclusively for Flouro and braid and (knock on wood) I did not have a knot snap on a fish. I also switched to BPS 100% flouro and Seaguar braid so I am not sure which is the reason for the knots holding. I don't think it has anything to do with the small size bass I am catching. lol Mike
  9. m&m


    abk, I can't speak to all of their lures but I certainly like their Crazy Shad. It is a small top water bait with props at both ends. I've had great success over the years with this one. Mike
  10. I have to say that I have never tied a smaller line to a heavier line, braid or otherwise. A long time ago someone told me that the weakest point is still the # size of the leader. His philosophy was that if you have 6# line on the whole spool or just the leader and you hook into a large fish you still have to play it as 6# line. Reading everyone's posts here I'm wondering if you get more hook ups with the smaller leader and do those result in more landings of the fish or more break offs? I certainly don't need any more help losing fish I have hooked. I'm just curious. Mike
  11. I don't know if this occurred to anyone else reading this thread but it makes me think about extending an open invitation to those on the forum who might want to go fishing some day either in my boat or their boat so that neither of us are fishing alone where we might lose the boat at the ramp, lose the tow vehicle or fall into the water. Mike
  12. m&m


    Abk, you sound so proud to identify yourself that way! lol Mike
  13. There are times I fish alone and because I am fearful of falling out of the boat, I recently purchased one of those inflatable life jackets to go along with the fold up ladder off the rear deck so I can get back into the boat. I hope I never have to use either one but that is the same thing I say about my life insurance policy. Mike
  14. Cheese, sounds like a nice day. Congrats. Thanks for the report details. By the way, how's the new place coming? Mike
  15. Thanks Ben. Mike
  16. Take video. Mike
  17. Sore, I'm like 176 Champ with getting boat repaired. So I did the next best thing. I drove to a bunch of ramps to see the activity. I saw a number of empty trailers so I thought I would just wait for the reports. And you did not disappoint me. Thanks for the report. By the way I went over to lilley's landing and picked up a couple of O.A.F. Decals for my boat and truck. I'm always hesitant to motor up to another fisherman but if I see the O.A.F. Decal on the boat I know they will be approachable. Thanks to all who are contributing to this forum. I hope to be back in the water in a couple of weeks. Mike
  18. Quillback, good luck with the knee. Mike
  19. Donna and Champ, nice pictures. Sounds like a fun day. Thanks for the report. Mike
  20. Ditto what Quillback and Champ said. I also keep one of each tied on. Mike
  21. Bo, interesting tactic using Toby as a pointer. Sounds like a great day. Thanks for the report. Mike
  22. Quillback, thanks for the report. I can't get out yet so I will enjoy reading for the next couple of weeks. Mike
  23. It is amazing though that every time I lose a fish at the net it is the net man's fault. Mike
  24. I read in a study years ago that Psychiatrists claimed that 1 in 4 people suffer from some form of mental illness. So when I fish the OAF in March my partner and I will be closely watching one of the 2 people in every other boat. Mike
  25. Quill, you can borrow my FLW hat and jersey. And then stand up and ask your questions. lol Mike
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