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snagged in outlet 3

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Everything posted by snagged in outlet 3

  1. I’ve been wanting to smoke some beef ribs. I’ve seen them on that pitmaster show and they look awesome.
  2. Maybe Biden should have invited Elon Musk to the EV Summit? Just sayin....
  3. They just approved the 4th shot so everyone is good to go😆
  4. I've seen those at the dock but never one on the water. Are they fast?
  5. Won't be long I'm sure....😂
  6. Hmmm... Sounds like it takes you back too😁
  7. Admit it. It feels good...😁
  8. Bummer. Fishing any good?
  9. I have a downy woodpecker that attacks my tin chimney cap ever spring for a few days. Little dude must have a tough noggin. 😀
  10. 10 year old truck. No payments due for anything. I own it all. But blowing $50 for what is essentially a weekend drive is not in the cards. No matter what. You seem to make assumptions and generalizations about this. I prefer the energy independence we enjoyed before. You are welcome to give your money to other countries but I don’t like to.
  11. I’m more “selective” about my fishing trips now. Whereas before I just went every time I wanted to. Everything we ship or receive at work (which is 100’s of thousands of tons of steel) is getting whacked with fuel surcharges. Including rail and barge. Remote areas get hit the hardest since the trucks can’t get a reload to haul back. So they essentially pay for the truck coming and going.
  12. Screenshot it and save to your photos. @Johnsfollysaid he really like to it too. If I catch some tomorrow I’ll snap a couple.
  13. Pictures?
  14. What @Hamsaid about two days. Two half days if you think 8 hours is too much. Just throwing this out there but Comfort Inn up in town isn’t a bad option. Plenty of restaurants nearby. Or ask the guide. He probably knows someone or someplace. And you could stay closer to where you will be fishing that way. Keep us up to date on the trip please.
  15. I tie one with a green crystal flash body and grizzly hackle that is a staple in my box.
  16. This is crazy. I’m hitting the river Sunday. Don’t expect much there either. Good luck.
  17. You better😁
  18. Fish pictures? Asking for a friend 😂
  19. I use those twisty things with caps. Watch for smoke though😂
  20. Another weekend setting up for great fishing conditions huh??👎
  21. Not at the boat ramp when they dump them in fresh😁
  22. Just wave your hand in a throwing motion at a hatchery and watch the reaction. At the ones with pellet machines for people to use.
  23. Even a 14-15 inch smallie is a great catch.
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