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About Moonpath

  • Birthday 02/16/1950

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  • Location
    Waterloo, IL
  • Interests
    Fly fishing, fly tying, spin fishing, wilderness canoeing, upland hunting, camping, just getting out on the stream, lake and woods and enjoying nature. Like hiking.

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Bleeding Shiner

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  1. Mark, you are making the right decision for now. MN has a lot of good smallmouth fishing spots and so does Canada, but until the covid issue is better resolved you are unlikely to find the mind of amenities you are used to or prefer. I have already had to cancel 3 fishing trips I had planned this spring and summer and what a bummer. I hope you get to wet your line and catch a lot of fish this summer. And I also agree that have a few brews afterwards is essential.
  2. This is a little late but I do not think Canada will be open for your trip. I also have some doubts about the Boundary Waters on the American side, which offers great smalllie fishing. Anyway, some additional options: Sylvania Wilderness in Michigan UP, Big Fork River in MN, Little Fork River, MN (the LF muddies up worse than the big fork). Gunflint Lodge on Gunflint trail near Grand Marais MN, Chemaugon Bay near Bayfield, WI. This is on Lake Superior and likely open. I should note that water up north has been cold. Bass Fishing up north may be slow until first week of June, maybe later. I have a cabin in N. Wisconsin and have fished all over the upper Midwest and Canada. Feel free to ask questions.
  3. Tiger Muskie are a cross between a northern pike and pure bred musky. I fish for Muskie every summer in Wisconsin and when you get one on its a gas. They will hit large streamer flies or any top water large fly like a Dahlberg diver. I use tie able wireleaders. IMO an 8 weight rod is enough. In fact, most of the Muskie I catch are with a medium action spinning rod, 6.5 ' with a good reel. Pflueger Presidents work fine. I use braided line rated at least 30 lbs. When spin fishing I almost always use a black buck tail. A mepps # 5 with a gold or silver blade works well. Use any color as long its black is the general rule. Up north, 90 percent of all Muskie are caught on buck tails. So I go with the odds. Keep in mind that ski's are on and off fish. Normally they are on off. It.can be frustrating. They will also follow a fly or lure and refuse to hit. You have to keep at it to catch one. I find that low light periods, cloudy days, or when a low pressure system is moving in is the best. Muskie like wood, and they like structure, mainly weeds, especially you can find weeds in deeper water. Hope this provides some perspective. Good fishing and may your dry fly get wet. Jerry G
  4. I just store mine in the basement on a chair and then trickle charge them in the spring. I have done this for a long time and my batteries have worked well the following year.
  5. Thanks. Jerry G
  6. Thanks everyone. Norm M, some Dekalb friends told me they got about 8 inches of snow a couple of days ago. I do. Not miss that at least for now. So, being further south does have some clear benefits. So far, I have fished some nearby small lakes by my home and they have a lot of promise. I am looking to expand my horizons in the area. Best to everyone. Jerry G
  7. Hello everyone. I may have posted my intro in the wrong place so if you see it someplace else, sorry about that. Just moved from 30 years in Northern Illinois (Dekalb, about 40 miles south of Wisconsin). I am retired and am a St. Louis native but have been gone for 45 years. Most of my fishing involves fly fishing for trout, mainly in WIsconsin, Minnesota, and Michigan. I have a cabin in Northern WIsconsin (Minocqua) and like fishing for muskie and pike as well as bass. Most of my bass fishing involves spinning rods although I periodically go after bass with a fly rod, also for pan fish. I have fished extensively for migratory salmon and trout in Wisconsin and Michigan, including the UP and anyone needing information about these areas I would be happy to help if I can. So, I am anxious to begin fishing for trout again in Missouri and really like Blue Spring Creek. I will fish the trout parks but because of the crowds they are not usually my favorite kind of trout fishing. I also like to canoe and camp and have done 20+ trips to the BW, quetico, and northern ontario. I would be happy to share information with anyone heading to these areas. I look forward to meetings people on the forum and learning from their experience. Best to everyone and a happy holidays. Jerry G
  8. Hello everyone. I am new to this forum although not new to fishing. I recently moved from spending 30 years in Northern Illinois (Dekalb, which is about 40 miles south of wisconsin) to Waterloo, IL. I am a native of St. Louis but have not lived here for about 45 years. I am retired. Anyway, I have a strong interest in fly fishing for trout and for bass, although a lot of my bass fishing is with a spinning rod. I have a cabin in Northern WIsconsin (Minocqua and also fish for Muskie, pike and various migratory fish such as steelhead and salmon). Anyone interested in fishing Southwest Wisconsin trout streams or such streams in SE Minnesota, or Michigan, including the UP, I can provide a lot of perspective based on my experience. I am looking forward to fishing Missouri trout streams again. I do like Blue Spring Creek. While I will fish the trout parks once in a while they are not my favorite kind of fishing. Just too many people. I would more likely prefer SM bass fishing in various Ozark streams. I tie some of my flies but not dries, mainly nymphs and wet flies. I also like to canoe, and own several. I am also very familiar with the boundary waters and quetico if anyone has questions about those areas. I have over 20+ trips to those areas and northern Ontario. I like camping and fishing more remote areas. So, I hope to get to know some of you on the forum and have found the comments and posts very helpful and informative. My best and a happy holidays to everyone. Jerry G
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