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    Kansas City
  • Interests
    Wild trout, smallmouth, Lake of the Ozarks, fly tying

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  1. Was parked at the hatchery outlet Tuesday evening, had a spare spool with me but seems to have disappeared and am wondering if it dropped by the car or somewhere when it was dark out. Lamson spool in 7+. Would very much appreciate getting that back if anyone found it! Text me 8169086442
  2. In NE Oregon is the Wenaha wilderness area with the Wenaha River, tributary to Grande Ronde, flowing right through. Beautiful Western stream in an incredible setting; it's an epic multi-day backpack. Extremely healthy C&R bull trout population in the river with big fish. Filled with native Redband trout and mountain whitefish as well. Running with the Bulls: Oregon’s Wenaha River – The Cutthroat Chronicles (wordpress.com) Hope to make it back here someday soon. Tight lines--Also fun fact, there are bull trout all the way into NE Nevada
  3. Yep! From Rock Creek MT. They're stocked in a handful of lakes around the west but I actually caught this one in the Big Hole, pretty much the last river in lower 48 they have a viable native population. Very glad to see a few fish still hanging on there. Haha I realize how lucky I was to be in a position where this kind of time spent fishing was possible. Just trying to make the most of a tough situation!
  4. I've been mostly a passive reader of this forum for many years but thought I would share this. I decided to take a gap year from college instead of doing school remotely, and the past two months I headed west to fly fish for native trout. https://cutthroatchronicle.wordpress.com/ This is the link to the blog I kept for the trip. Lots of trip reports, stories and some good photos. Here's a sneak peak of some fish I caught...can you name all these species? Anyways, if you haven't been able to travel or anything recently hopefully this can provide a nice digital getaway. Can't wait to hit all of my favorite Missouri spots now that I'm back home. Cheers.
  5. Awesome looking fish! Haha you have to have a lot more than luck to hook into a rainbow like that on that creek. Guess you saved the big rivers for last as well. Can't wait to hit the 11 point; it's my favorite trout stream and float in the state.
  6. That’s what I ended up doing, heading down from CC. It’a a tough way down but you reach a creekbed to follow which helps. A little more water and some better structure and holes
  7. Went back and finally figured it out a little bit. Caught my first fish sight fishing with a nymph which was quite exciting. This creek is very hard and seems to have low fish populations, but there seem to be some good sized fish there, including one I spooked that had to be at least 16+”. Also saw a big rat snake and the largest crayfish I have ever seen (5-6” or so). Only got 2 1/2 hours or so in before I got slammed with a thunderstorm and soaked to the bone. But felt good to get this creek for my MO trout slam-only NFOW and Eleven Point to go!
  8. Hi everyone, This is my first post but I've learned a lot from this forum in the past as I've learned to fly fish. I'm a college student who has had a great time exploring waters all around the Ozarks the past few years and some of my absolute favorite spots are the little wild trout creeks. I've learned to be stealthy and have done really well on crane, mill, bsc, etc. Anyways, the only place I have truly been skunked, once last summer and yesterday, is Barren Fork. Something about this stream seems to go beyond any of the others in difficulty--the water is clearer, and the stream is so open that there's nowhere to hide. It's an absolutely gorgeous spot, but I've left flummoxed twice. I took a little side trip after fishing the current all day, and the water was up and flowing which I thought would be good for fishing, but didn't see any signs of fish beyond the minnows I caught. It's deceptively deep in spots--what would be a deep blue color in other streams looks much shallower until you reach it. Anyways, I was just wondering if anyone has any advice for this creek. I parked at the highway A access but it's at the head of the creek and I'm not really sure if there's some sort of path down to the bottom of the access so I can head back upstream. Is there better habitat in another part of the stream? Here's a picture I took of Twin Springs flowing in. Tight lines
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