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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by liphunter

  1. I have my eyes on Tuesday. Although Stockton is my usual haunt, The water temperature just doesn't seem to be gaining much steam. Was thinking about heading south where all the pretty anglers go??? I meant next Tuesday if the forecast holds...
  2. For me griz. It has been a learning curve. I have gotten so used to that remote, I hardly use the foot control. But there are time for me that the foot control would be better. So I'm making myself get better. It's just lack of use for me. But it isn't like the one we grew up with. Mike
  3. Thanks MrGiggles. That's all I had to do...
  4. I couldn't agree more. I'll look at something, and if Academy has it, or I find it on line. Which you usually can. It's like you said. 15% to 20% less.
  5. Never seen it above 38 on both units. Talk to a couple of other guys who said the same... Oh I failed to mention, all I did was wash hooks...
  6. I was there about a week and a half ago. And they were both open. Good luck. Let us know how it goes,,, After thinking about that. It was two weeks ago to the day.
  7. That's the only part of Beaver that I have any knowledge of. And that's only from diving. I am going to fix that this year. Pretty smallie QB. Thanks
  8. That's a pretty cool. I haven't been back out there since my corp days. Thanks!
  9. Yes I agree we shouldn't derail the thread. But you asked a question and it wouldn't be right to let it go unanswered. There is an educational documentary on this phrase entitled "Up In Smoke " . It was written and produced by two Southerner California academics in the Mid seventies. I believe there names were a Professor Cheech and a Professor Chong. They received great notoriety for their work...
  10. That will be a challenge. I have to admit, they do take care of you here. If it was on my dime we wouldn't be here. Motel 6 anyone... lol
  11. Setting drinking coffee at the Embassy Suites in Rogers... Wife has a work related thing here. Talked me into coming... The things we do for our brides :(. Bored!!!!!
  12. Geeze their is so many. But I guess I'll go with "Saving Private Ryan". It's kind of weird. I watched that movie when it came out, but it bothered me so much. I have never been able to watch it again.
  13. Whats the horsepower limit now? Have kind of lost track of that. I remember that Fellows used to be 40 and I think it still is.
  14. I have been using Interstate Marine. I don't know there ranking compared to others. But like other people said. If I get 3 good years out of a boat battery. I'm happy.
  15. Mine uses hot water to heat the house and water. So I need to keep it going until I'm sure there is not going to be a sustained hard freeze. It's ok for a few hours in the upper 20's with not burning. But I don't want to push my luck too much.
  16. Wow, I knew it was wet, but didn't realize it was that bad. I never get stuck at home. I raise rocks. ☹️
  17. Looking at the extended forecast, tells me I can start selectively using my outdoor wood stove, instead of 24/7. That is always my first sign that springtime is out there, getting all perfumed and pretty for our date!!!
  18. liphunter

    Yard Pet

  19. Have any of you guys had any real success using a trailer on a chatter bait?
  20. I have given this a great deal of thought, and before you all dismiss me, and mock me for my forward thinking. Just remember they did that to Orville and Wilbur. I'm not saying it's a fact, But a somewhat suspect acceptable theory. I believe their is a real possibility That the one and only, infamous, Mr MoCarp is actually a 22 year old, five foot eleven, 118 pound, super model from Brussels named Monica. Who is bored with partying on the yacht every night. And does this to entertain herself while she chain smokes Lucky's. The signs are there. Just consider this before you discount yours truly as just another crackpot.
  21. I would say salmon from the rivers of Oregon, (it's been many years). My second, I would have to say Mr. Limpet...
  22. For some of you that might know these folks. I had called to make a reservation this morning. The gentleman that I talked to sadly told me that the resort may not be opened this year. He said that yesterday his wife received a serious and life threatening diagnosis yesterday. Maybe we could all keep them in mind. I don't know them personally, but I have heard nothing but warm and good things about theses folks. Thanks...
  23. Fly fishing??? Heck that's for people that can walk and chew gum at the same time. Conventional.
  24. When you seasoned veterans attach a leader. Do you prefer a direct tie from line to leader, or do you prefer some kind of swivel or clip? These are the simple things I could use a little schooling on. No arguing please! My therapist says it makes it impossible to deal with me. lol Mike
  25. I meant below 40. I really got to start reading my important post before I send them...
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