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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by liphunter

  1. I'm sure this has been discussed. But I can't find it. Is anyone familiar with business or individual close to Springfield or Joplin area. That does aluminum refinishing or painting? TIA
  2. Thank you Dutch. I was kind of bored Sunday morning. Wife was out of town and I was looking for something to do besides work. I went to Academy which was enjoyable. I was like a women looking at throw pillows. Just looked at, and touched everything. Then I ran over to BP. It just reminded me how much I dislike that store... Circus comes to mind.
  3. OK I'll bite. I'm sure it's common as dirt. But it got by me. What is WRMG. While I am here. Jeff, can I borrow $450.00. lol
  4. Thanks NH. I got a couple of 5-wire gifted to me for Christmas. Never threw one before. I was trying to use a 6'8'' MH rod. I don't think that was right for me. Just doesn't seem to be enough backbone. But I just don't want to jump to conclusion that heavy is the answer.
  5. What action rod do you like for an A-rig?
  6. I wouldn't sell Brady short either. Overwhelmingly the most accomplished quarter back ever! But I was shocked to hear Jimmy Johnson say it, even though I agreed with it. He said that Maholmes, without question, was most talented quarterback he has seen in his lifetime. (Not the stock car driver.) lol
  7. I agree Mitch. Never really cared for Bond movies until his version of the character came out. It became darker and grittier like Oneshot! Which is the way it should be. You can't kill bad guys with a swizzle stick. Well, I'm sure someone on here can! lol
  8. Yea, it does me too. Hate to sound like a kid. But after watching them stumble and flop around for 50 years. It's pretty neat to have the most talented quarterback, tightend, and receiver in the NFL. Ok, I am a tad biased!!!
  9. Glad to hear it's up to 15. It's hard to finish 15th with only 13 people. But I am sure I could have pulled it off.
  10. I remember that pic after the AFC championship game two years ago. I laughed and cried at the same time. Hopefully this year we they will swap places in that picture!!! Go Red!!!
  11. Crap pup! Your looking at 2023. 😁
  12. I have mixed feelings about that. I was kind of really looking forward to seeing a pic of that.
  13. Maybe they will make a new Christmas movie? Instead of saying "You'll shoot your eye out with that" They can say "You'll shoot your posterior off with that" .😁
  14. Bernie has left the building!!!
  15. I see what you did there! Pretty funny. Oh you miss spelled bern!!!
  16. Ok, I made all that crap up. But it does look just like the picture.
  17. After checking with my buddy. The world wide web of moving and still pictures, which I love dearly. John I would you have an fish identifying score of 13, which gives you a 98.6% nod towards being correct!!!
  18. Beautiful country and great pics!!!👍
  19. Quality fish, very nice!!!
  20. Sounds like something you would pick up on at BSU. lol
  21. Fantastic football team!!! Go State
  22. I do love pics!!! Never would have figured out how to do kidney surgery on my dog without U-TUBE!!!
  23. Before computers, they would not have been able to pull that off. They would have had to just deliver it to you. ðŸĪŠ
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