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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by liphunter

  1. That's funny snagged. I wonder how many of us above 40 would get that? lol
  2. I am on It's been a long held belief by the science community that this plant could comfortably handle 4 billion people. As you said, we are at 7.5 and growing rapidly. Not here to argue any point. This is just my understanding as I have read and understood things. Like many, I have no answers. But population seems to be a problem. I had a friend say something to me one time when we discussing natural disasters. It gave me food for thought. Would it be a natural disaster if nobody was there. Just mother earth doing her thing...
  3. Great report Billethead!
  4. Ok. I bet that’s what he was talking about. That didn’t register. Good call.
  5. Dutch. I am almost sure that is what you need to do. I think it just has to be in the deployed pos. I have one just over a year old. Like the cheap goof I am, I passed on the link. Now I realize that was a mistake. Now it’s going to cost a lot more to upgrade. Smart move to go ahead and get it up front
  6. That's a great Walleye!!! That's when I knew I was maturing. I used to dream of women, now I dream of Walleye like that one!!! Still rolling around that guide thing in your mind??? Mike
  7. I'm having a little trouble finding where to purchase a COE day use pass on-line. Can you buy one on line, or is this a strictly get it at the park station attendant? TIA Mike
  8. I hear you Mo. That's the same way I make squirrel oil. Only, I don't have a brick. I just give the neighbor kid a quarter to stand in the cooler, on the plywood. He usually gets it all out before he passes out. Loves me some squirrel oil!!!
  9. Do you ever use high vis. braid? And if so, do you tie it directly to the lure?
  10. Hi, My name is Mike, I make up stories and lie a lot.☹️
  11. Not everyone's cup of tea... Sorry missed that.
  12. Yea, I get that. I know it's everyone's cup of tea, but I have been watching some of there live streaming and have enjoyed it. I can really relate catching one pound one ounce fish. lol It was neat to watch Eavers pull in that 8 pounder with less than 10 minutes left at Conley . Not that he needed it.
  13. OMG!!! You used the "P" word. Put down your rod. Two minute penalty!!!
  14. I have some KVD'S . I have some success with them. Probably would do better in skilled hands. I working on a learning curve. That being said, and I hope at my age I'm not being naive. But watching him in interviews. I wouldn't think he would not put his name on junk solely to make a buck. Of course that's just my opinion.
  15. Kind of wish I would have done that. I knew it might be a little colder at Stockton, but I was little surprised by that. I had a guy who was crappie fishing pull up and start talking to me. That's what you do when you can't catch fish. You find someone that looks more sad and pathetic than yourself and start talking to them. Anyway, he said 38 was all was seeing as well...
  16. I ran a little ways up Maze and Turkey creeks. Not very far. Mostly fished main and secondary points. The warmest I seen on both of my electronics was 38.5.
  17. You failed your "How to Inspire People " class. Didn't you? 🤣
  18. Decided to strictly Bass fish today. Got skunked. Tried lots of different gear and environments. Just didn’t happen. Petty much the same story for the two guys I talked to that were Crappie fishing. Never did see any bait fish. But I absolutely enjoyed the day!!!
  19. liphunter

    What's Cooking?

    Dang!!! Geeze buddy. How do you you drag yourself out of bed in the morning, Living in that kind of hell??? 😝
  20. That's awesome! To be my age and not even realize those darters were around... Thanks for sharing. On a more serious note, and keep in mind. I have been distracted by pretty thing before. But wheres the skunk???
  21. Man it's been a long winter!
  22. Tell me where your headed and I'll make sure no one follows you. lol
  23. I'm waffling about that. I have made up my mind about tomorrow. Greenfield or Cedar Ridge...
  24. Tomorrow looks fantastic. Going to take a shot!
  25. Well that's just great that was captured! He really looked calm from a distance, giving what he was into. Thanks Seth!
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