I think the KVD big bass tournament is going on, I would go fish the Shell Knob area. We see alot less tournament boats over there. As far as baits or patterns, it has been about everything right now for us. I like the shallow fish better so that is what we do. Crankbait was pretty good, along with jig bite. Have a swimbait tied on too. Good luck and enjoy the fishing.
A certain percentage of the pros are already saying that ffs is spooking some of the fish. Making it harder to get close enough to catch them. If that is the case, the fish population and health could actually improve because we are educating alot more fish. I personally like the idea of a slot limit like some lakes have. This could be a good compromise. It obviously works very well( Lake Fork). Texas is way ahead of everyone else when it comes to protecting and growing bass populations. They are a good example to follow. Just my opinion though.
Livescope is the best thing to ever happen to fishing. I know because I don’t own one and I am a long time bank beater. Well maybe I should say Livescope is the best thing to ever happen to bank fishing. The only downside to me is having to navigate through all the boats sitting out in the middle.
I don’t know if this ok or not, but I have a 36 volt ipilot link Ultrex with mdi transducer I need to sell . 52” shaft. I have it listed in the buy-sell forum. It doesn’t even have any scratches on it.