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About 10pointer

  • Birthday 10/14/1984

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Gizzard Shad

Gizzard Shad (19/89)



  1. I was actually there for the flood over the weekend. We were staying in one of the park cabins across from the hatchery office and woken up around midnight Saturday night by a park worker letting us that the river was flooding. They didn't make us evacuate since we were well out of the flood danger but they let us know we wouldn't be able to leave any time soon. He said they were only able to give a short notice to those in the campground so many had to abandon their belongings and head for higher ground. Inside the park it rained less that 1/3 of an inch on Saturday night so we were confused and thought we were dreaming at first when they let us know the news. The worker told us that while we didn't have much rain inside the park the area just north (mile or two) had 7-8 inches of rain in less than 2 hours....which caused Pigeon Creek to blow out and carry the floodwater downstream into the park. I have been down in the park for many floods and the rise in the water level on this one was the fastest I have ever seen. I believe it came up 7 ft within an hour. Fished the morning on Sunday (and straightened out a hook on 9lb+ which would have won the derby) in the spring branch. Fishing was great but fishing pressure was confined to the spring branch (bait area) only as the fly stream was still high and muddy. Cant wait to see the changes in the stream. Lots of debris piled up on the 119 bridge and tangled in the playground and shelter areas as well. I did not get to see the campground but assume it was a big mess as well. Hopefully there are some are some positive changes to the stream, but seems like the changes over the last 20 years have been negative ones. The stream seems to get shallower with each flood. -Jason
  2. Just saw a post on FB supposedly quoting a Montauk Hatchery worker that said over 80% of the breeders/brood stock have been returned in the last week. Not 100% verified but that is what we were all hoping for!
  3. The best way I was told is to show up to the Park Office (573) 548-2201 and they can direct you. I believe certain things they wont let volunteers help with for liability reasons but there are plenty of other things to do. I believe the campground is in the most need of help but they could clarify if you gave them a call or showed up.
  4. From what I was told------------The lodge fared well and wasn't flooded. The campground on the other hand was hit hard and they were working through the weekend to get it cleaned up. I didn't get to hear the extent of the damage but the folks are working hard to get things somewhat back to normal. They had quite a few volunteers this weekend and prisoners that were brought down to help restore the campground. I haven't heard when it will open back up though. The cabins near the waterfall looked to be standing as well as the fish cleaning station and bathrooms. I'm sure there is damage but glad to see them still intact from the outside. I was going to try to help clean up in the campground area on Thursday but there was no work able to be done as it flooded once again while I was there. I arrived Thursday morning and no sooner had to flee back across the bridge from the lodge to the hatchery building/bait section as the water was rising quickly and would be over the bridge within minutes. It only got to I believe 8ft on the gage but enough to top the bridge and keep the road/park closed for hours as the rain just kept falling throughout the afternoon.
  5. Yes both hatcheries (the one near the C&R and also the big one between the mill and lodge) got hit. The fish from the brood tanks above the C&R got blown out into the C&R and some into the bait section from that first hole on down through the cemetery hole at the bottom of the hill. I would have posted about this last week but we were trying to buy as much time for the hatchery and staff to seine what fish they could and get them back into the tanks. Most have been returned. I'm sure the hatchery staff would love any additional brood stockers be returned to the hatchery if possible (of course they would need to approve). That flood blew away all records and seeing the high water marks was just unbelievable. I've seen big floods and this one was just unfathomable. It is amazing that no one lost their lives and there wasn't even more destruction.
  6. Yes quite a few breeders got loose and blown out into the stream with the flooding. I made an emergency trip down last week along with several others and I can personally attest (along with 5 buddies) that over 175+ breeders were returned to the brood/breeder tank at Montauk over the last 5 days. No kudos or thanks needed as it was the right thing to do (still sore from carrying bins with fish/water over to the raceway haha) . We love that park and the Current in general as most of us have been enjoying it since before we could walk and talk. I can't say the same for several other people who took advantage of the disaster and decided to catch/film//keep/boast about them (TAD HEADRICK and crew) on their "outdoor page". Makes me sick along with the lodge, park, and hatchery staff and every single other person who knows about it. Its nothing new from him. Nothing at all sporting about catching fish in a barrel and then acting like a wanna-be celebrity. I did hear that while there were some losses at the big hatchery quite a few fish survived. I saw some posts by the MDC on Montauk Hatchery specifically that the hatchery fared better than expected. After talking with the park and hatchery staff and everyone there was an incredible effort to save the hatcheries. Those folks busted their tails and worked tirelessly (and still) to save and clean up what they could. Many thanks to them as well for everything they did and do on a day to day basis!
  7. would you take 65 for the 30 lb thrust?

  8. Thanks! I had no idea about that...never even thought to try that out. Will give it a shot on one of the ones I am keeping
  9. Just a little update to rile you fellas up. Ol Boy is back at it again for 2017. Well him and his snaggin buddies Now they put names up on the board they think are funny.
  10. Thanks for the report! I hope to get back down there within the next few weeks. The stocker size seems to be pretty good at least it was on the opener. Caught lots in the 15"-16" range then got really lucky and landed a 28 incher that went 8lb 8oz on opening day in the early afternoon. Was surprised she was left after the crowds started to dissipate
  11. They stock all of the St. Louis lakes with Montauk bred lunkers. Funny to see them stock the absolute biggest lunkers in the Stl lakes rather than the trout parks and streams. I think every single lake gets a handful of lunkers at a minimum...and seems they stock a few giants 8lb-12lb in each year over year.
  12. Honestly don't waste your time...it was absolutely terrible last Saturday for derby day. I saw maybe 200 fish throughout the park and besides the handful of lunkers caught I didn't see a fish over 10 inches (most were 7-8 inches). They claimed to have stocked 1500 but there was absolutely no way they stocked anywhere close to that. I didn't expect much going in but I was definitely disappointed just like everyone else down there. They may load it up for C&R but I highly doubt it...
  13. Saw on the MDC Facebook page they were loading up 9500 fish that would be stocked at urban lakes in "Central Missouri" today. I don't know if they mean Columbia area or St. Louis... not sure on what they mean exactly by "central" Oh yea they aren't stocking Busch....stay far far away...not worth wasting the gas I hear they are going to instead split Busch's normal portion between O'Fallon Park, Forest Park and the other hood lakes. MDC really doesn't give a crap about temps so what would a few stray bullets from drive by shootings hurt?
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