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Duskystripe Shiner

Duskystripe Shiner (3/89)



  1. Sorry RPS I am unable to work this out, looks like I will have my son and possibly one more in my boat. Was looking forward to some secret walleye locations. Hopefully you can throw in with someone else. Good Luck! Past winners 2015 - Kbillb 2016 - Little Jasper 2017 - Carl W 2018 - Kbillb 2019 - Kbillb 2020 - Chip Covid 2021 - Kbillb?
  2. RPS my son may be fishing with a buddy this year, if so you are more than welcome to fish with me. Unfortunately wont know for sure until next week.
  3. Quill, my son and I are in. RPS, I will bring a salad of some sort. See you all then.....always a good time!
  4. Had a similar deal on Saturday. Leaving Carter about 3:30pm, look both ways not a boat in site, cross the lake at a 45 at about 1/2 throttle. Start coming off plane about 100yds from the bank when some knucklehead in a white skeeter flies between us and the bank.....couldn't have been 30 ft from us. Maybe my bad for not peeking over my shoulder when crossing the lake, had my hoodie cinched down. Fished for 3 hours with smithvillesteve. Caught 2, one keeper on a small swim bait and one short on a jerk bait. Spent most of the day repairing cpvc pipes under the house. Was able to get hot and cold to the kitchen sink and water to the downstairs toilet. Still got some work to do, man we take that water for granted!
  5. OK, got my schedule worked out. My son and I will be there to defend! Will bring a salad. Looking forward to it!!
  6. Thank you all for another great tourney!! Enjoyed meeting and visiting with folks. A great day by our standards with 6 keeps, all scrubbing the rock crawler in transition areas on the main lake. Not much going on up the creeks for us. Had a great week with friends and of course fishing with my son!! Quill my son actually won the first tournament, I will get you his moniker if you care to update the past winners. A couple pics from the week....... KVD has nothing to worry about😏.
  7. My son and I will be there. Champ, you guys wish I was throwing an A-Rig, cant catch a fish on that thing 😢. Quill, I will bring something green unless you say otherwise.....the cucumber salad seems to be good luck. Looking forward to it!! Oh and Ducky, thank you for the very cool plaque!!
  8. Good stuff! Maybe just me but all my Megabass jerk baits seem to suspend nose down.......more so then other JBs?
  9. Cucumber salad.
  10. Hi Quillback I'm in with my son Austin and will bring a side dish like coleslaw. Will get Austin's member info.
  11. Good call on the tourney cancellation!! Fished thurs-sat from Eagle Rock to Shell Knob with my son Austin, Smithvillesteve and a buddy. Pretty good bite with several keepers each day. Ned, jerk baits, jigs and cranks was the deal for us. Water temp was low to mid 50s. Although more color up the white better bite for us was around SK. We were there so went out for a few hours sat afternoon, pretty dang cold! Decent bite though, this healthy smallie would have been our best fish at just short of 20. Austin also caught his personal best, a beautiful fat healthy 22 LM on Thursday. Several nice eyes caught on windy points soaking deep running JBs. Austin cant make the new tourney date but I will try and be there. Gotta love Table Rock this time of year!!!!
  12. Hey Quill, I'll be there with my son (AB_TableRock). We will bring a dish, not sure what yet.Good Luck and see you Saturday!
  13. Thanks Champ and Vernon. No worries Champ, you deserve it and we won't tell Donna. I also ordered a couple, one as a Christmas present for my son. The only thing that gave me pause on these Tournament Lite's was the carbon vs the aluminum frame. Hopefully they will hold up as well as some of the other reels in the Lew's lineup.
  14. Just curious if anyone has fished the Lew's Tournament Lite Speed Spools........LG1H or LG1SH? I see Cabela's has them marked down to $119 from $179.
  15. got 2 for 119.....?
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