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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by Champ188

  1. The way I see it is pretty black and white. No fishing within 50 feet of a marina dock, which includes not only their retail sales docks but also their storage docks. There are a gazillion other docks on the lake to fish. Or can some of us only catch marina pets? Rules are rules. And cell phone cameras are good for recording violators.
  2. Yes, it’s an actual law and it applies all the time. Go to webboutdoors.com and look up Corps of Engineers Commercial Zone Off Limits. There are detailed maps of every such zone on Table Rock Lake. Bass fishermen get a bad enough rap already that we don’t need further scorn caused by those who won’t abide by the rules.
  3. If you want some great glasses with even better customer service, Costa is the way to go. They have treated me better than I can even explain here.
  4. Well done, sir.
  5. Thanks for the report.
  6. Back atcha my friend.
  7. Congrats ... sounds like a great time.
  8. That will certainly help. It should also help that fishing is liable to be slow and won’t draw a lot of attention on the internet and otherwise.
  9. You know where your strength comes from. Go back to the well as often as it takes. We will pray with and for you.
  10. Awesome day, my friend. Glad you’re enjoying the trip and getting your string stretched often!
  11. Those fish were killed by carelessness. Period. No lure is to blame.
  12. Some of the club fishermen don’t know the investment of time and money involved in fishing at a higher level. I’m not complaining at all because I enjoyed it for 20 years and recouped probably more of my expenditures in winnings than I deserved, but like Wrench and Flysmallie, the dilution of the purses by too many derbies and the punkish attitudes of many contestants let me and Donna know it was our time to slow down. These days we go when we want, play golf when we want and in between I take guide trips and ... unlike derby fishing ... I know I’m gonna get paid every time. Kinda like Wrench making sure money every time he lifts a cowling off a motor. 😁
  13. Makes no difference when you get here, the results are the same. You guys are a wrecking crew. 😄
  14. Or just be certain not to be the slowest runner in your group. 😆
  15. Masterfully said, sir.
  16. Maybe the tin boaters could lead the way in this reform effort. Don’t we have some of them on this site? How bout it boys?
  17. Dave Barker helped pioneer tournaments in the Midwest. Anyone on this forum who knows anything about me Knows I’d never make such a claim. Good grief. 😆
  18. That’s awesome man,
  19. You better believe he takes better care of them than a LOT of tournament anglers. Time and time again I’ve seen you CLUB AND JACKPOT guys walk down to the edge of the lake at Mill Creek or Ahoys after weigh-in and literally THROW your fish out into that boiling hot, deoxygenated water and turn around and walk away, then act like someone is crazy when they say there were dead fish floating at the ramp. If you deny that happens, you’re at the heart of the problem.
  20. Like Ham said, we love you, brother. Prayers continue. Onward.
  21. Hey Mark, Mr. Barker is still alive and well as far as I know. I was only speaking in past tense because like many of us, he put aside tournament fishing when Central Pro-Am became the newfangled deal that it is now.
  22. That’s borderline disrespectful of a guy who helped pioneer tournament fishing in the Midwest. This forum isn’t BBC and we don’t aspire to be anything like it.
  23. Trying to remember how old Dave Barker was when he won his last Central Pro-Am, Heartland or other regional championships. I do know that he was well into his 70s when he won three boats in a single year. If you don’t know the name Dave Barker, you don’t know much at all about bass fishing in the Midwest. Oh yeah, he was mistakenly considered by some to be a cranky old goat.
  24. Nah, Bo actually cares about the fish beyond them being disposable poker chips in a money game.
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