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Everything posted by Flysmallie

  1. Well call me rare then! 1999 0r 2000, LOZ, fishing out of PB2. It would have been around this time of the year because that's the only time of the year that we would fish LOZ. Paralleling a bluff. My dad, who was usually right behind me on the front deck, leans over and quietly tells me to not move real fast but when I get a second look up on the bluff. I looked up and in one really quick smooth motion with my left foot, put the trolling motor on high, turned it left, and tried to push the on button through the deck of the boat. Up on that bluff, just laying in the sun, is a lion. When I looked up it was looking down right at me. I couldn't get the boat away fast enough. It wasn't stalking us, it wasn't hunting us, it was laying in the sun and we just happened by. Now all of you can tell me that it's not what I saw. I've heard all kinds of BS of what I saw, but I know what I saw. It wasn't a bobcat. That's what everyone always says. If you get a bobcat and mountain lion confused you shouldn't be outside. I've came face to face with some pretty viscous creatures. The only thing that has ever attacked me is an owl.
  2. Great job.
  3. Flysmallie

    What's Cooking?

    Same here. My wife and I will prepare most everything on our own including a smoked turkey and ham. The girls help but one in college and one coming from KC, they don't bring any sides. And the other has a toddler and one in the oven. She ain't no help. The wife's parents don't speak, but they will both bring a dessert that is mostly inedible. The rest are just freeloaders, and bums that can't be bothered to bring anything but will be the first to pack them up some leftovers to go. But I'm really thankful for the son in laws and boyfriend. They keep me in the proper frame of mind and keep me from telling any of the bums what I really think of them! LOL. Always a good time! I love it though. By the time we eat I will be so sick of food I won't even be able to eat. I"ll make room for pecan pie though!
  4. He's an odd dude but he's pretty smart too.
  5. Well the biggest investor in that is hanging out with DJT.
  6. That is hilarious, or stupid, can't decide on which one.
  7. Geez. It would probably be best to not catch them at all since you are so worried about them.
  8. Are you kidding? It wasn’t just because. Look at them, they’re Facebook famous!! Absolutely no reason to kill that animal. Just another stupid redneck.
  9. Flysmallie

    What's Cooking?

    Perfect. I can buy you lunch or dinner whilst we negotiate the honey terms.
  10. Flysmallie

    What's Cooking?

    I would pay for a jar. I don't need anything for free but will gladly pay you for some.
  11. Look Away!!! Holy cow that was nasty. I saw the pic and when I came to I read what happened. Glad recovery is going well. My wife has always worked for surgeons that peel peopls faces back and do reconstructive sugery after an accident or something. They love to try to tell me stories but I justy can't handle it. I'm terrified of heights too.
  12. Nobody did that in south Oklahoma. Lard yes, steamed meat no. We had fried food almost every meal. Now I rarely do.
  13. There is no lid in frying! My grandmother would have beat you out of her kitchen.
  14. Nice report and thank you for sharing. I don't tournament fish anymoe but I've know Sutton for a long time and always pay attention to their tournaments.
  15. Flysmallie


    LOL. Perfect. I guess as long as we keep paying the refs they will win no matter what. Lots of retreads but they are still the best team in football.
  16. A 20 foot boat on Stockton just isn't enough when the wind is moving right. That lake can get you into trouble in a hurry.
  17. Nobody posts results after they spam the place for months.
  18. While my dad did not have dementia, we did have to watch him get worse and worse until the end. I continued taking him fishing but just going and spending time together was the most important thing. Keep it simple and just enjoy whatever you are doing. Memories forever.
  19. That’s the stripper I was gonna send.
  20. Well now I know where to send the strippers.
  21. Flysmallie

    What's Cooking?

    I didn't make this but I was very pleased that I gave it a shot. Signature Sausage Detroit Style with crispy frico, mozzarella, sliced spicy sausage, original sauce, whipped ricotta, and a hot honey drizzle. If you say the pizza has hot honey on it, I want some.
  22. People are very protective of their sauce. I don't have one but I know how some feel about it. Chief gave me some a while back and even his wife doesn't know the recipe.
  23. I already told you that it's ketchup and some sauce nobody can pronounce. And I'm guessing that's about as close to the truth as you are going to get.
  24. Exactly. Making a profit has never crossed most of their minds.
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