Well call me rare then! 1999 0r 2000, LOZ, fishing out of PB2. It would have been around this time of the year because that's the only time of the year that we would fish LOZ. Paralleling a bluff. My dad, who was usually right behind me on the front deck, leans over and quietly tells me to not move real fast but when I get a second look up on the bluff. I looked up and in one really quick smooth motion with my left foot, put the trolling motor on high, turned it left, and tried to push the on button through the deck of the boat. Up on that bluff, just laying in the sun, is a lion. When I looked up it was looking down right at me. I couldn't get the boat away fast enough. It wasn't stalking us, it wasn't hunting us, it was laying in the sun and we just happened by.
Now all of you can tell me that it's not what I saw. I've heard all kinds of BS of what I saw, but I know what I saw. It wasn't a bobcat. That's what everyone always says. If you get a bobcat and mountain lion confused you shouldn't be outside.
I've came face to face with some pretty viscous creatures. The only thing that has ever attacked me is an owl.