For some reason, my link to the 3 day lake levels stopped working. does anyone have the correct address?
Maybe I'm reading this web site incorrectly, but it appears that ALL tournaments thru May 15th are cancelled.
Our club has a regatta permit for 28-29 March from the MO St Highway Patrol. Not sure if the Corps is cancelling these permits, or would MO do that? State permit, on a Corps lake.
If you go to this link which shows the regatta permits, that might help you decide. the COSTA is not listed??
I usually rig my swim baits on an Owner hook with the center pin. Sometimes with the small spinner blade and sometimes with just the hook. Works for me.
Several of us from our club usually come to the Rock in January or February to try our luck with deep fishing off of the electronics. I try to draw the line around 20 degrees. A decent snowmobile suit, good boos and head coverings seem to work just fine.
I started using this type based on a comment in the recent past from Bill Babler. cheaper in the long run than the Locktite Super Glue
Just got back from a fly in fish camp in NW Ontario. fished Dave's rigs for walleye and smallies and caught enough to make your arms sore, mostly green pumpkin, watermelon red and dirt. Thanks Dave !!!
I use the Owner swim bait hook with the centering pin, with & without the underspin blade. A drop of super glue helps hold the bait better than just the centering pin too. Works for me.
Dave, I cut the package below the name and store them in an open (no dividers) Plano box. works OK. I also started using the BPS Speed Shad - a bit cheaper, on an Owner underspin with the CPS. Always use super glue too.,
Thought we saw two otters early in December when we were fishing around Baxter, but my partner insisted they were weasels. that's a new one for me - don't think I've ever seen a weasel before.