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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by fshndoug

  1. Who is Jeff Schultz?
  2. The cost of FFS alone will prohibit many fishermen from buying one .And like anything else some people are better at using different tools than others. And Wrench you're funny . I can catch trout without fishing outlets and I don't fish mop flies lol.
  3. After listening to the scientific explanation of facts here I decided to take up golf. I have realized that I should be using braid with fluorocarbon leaders,2-6 flies and some lines i never heard of> I have no idea how i have caught so many fish not knowing anything.. g
  4. Wrench is a perfect example why late term abortion is an option.
  5. I am going to decline from taking photos of my fly tying stuff as I don't want Johnny Morris raiding my basement when the next pandemic hits.
  6. Hamas is what Wrench says when he wants to quote a price to fix your 4 stroke. Hamas you wanna pay me to fix that 4 stroke Merc.
  7. I sure miss all you idiots,lol.
  8. I got checked by an agent at Bennett of all places on September the 2nd.
  9. Thanks to everyone for their prayers and condolences.
  10. Pete, Wrench is with Peeps without the kids.
  11. They are all at Taney.
  12. Bennett sucks anymore fewer fish in the stream the park looks like crap. Some one should be fired including the directors of MDC and the parks dept. f
  13. That's a little far from home Phil don't get lost.LOL
  14. buy a drone not by lol
  15. I would by a drone and look for them that way.
  16. Great to see the kids fishing.
  17. Brian it doesn't do much good calling the poaching hotline. It seems every time that I call all you hear is I will pass the information along Most of the time the violators have long since gone by the time an agent would arrive any how. What needs to be done is very large sign with the regs on them with a list of possible fines at all the common upper access points by the cable ,wood steps ,below the toilet building and the upper boat ramp. And people please don't tell me there are signs up already because they are not the type I'm suggesting. I seldom see an agent down there writing tickets for violations.
  18. Wrench is on vacation .
  19. I hope they do a better job on that than the hatchery renovation they did at Bennett years ago that was a joke and still is.
  20. can you post a picture of the fly
  21. Me and Glen we are the sticks. Two nights of fly fishing and we never whacked each other in the head with our flies. Glen is a really good fisherman with the long rod.
  22. Well I still use a 1993 Evinrude 12/24 trolling motor I use a motor guide trolling motor bracket that has been machined to accept the Evinrude trolling motor . I have replaced the steering cable a couple of times. That motor cost about $500 dollars in 1993 I believe. That trolling motor has more miles on it than any new 4 stroke boat motor will ever get on it lol.
  23. I have fished out of the same Boston Whaler for 42 years .Trolling motor is 31 years old .I have had to replace several steering cables, Some boat motor for 30 years. You guys enjoy your 4 strokers.
  24. MDC should spend some money on enforcement.
  25. My question is Why can't the MDC finish the hatchery renovation at Bennett Springs. That project has gone nowhere in the last 18 months.
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