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About swilson

  • Birthday 05/26/1950

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    Jesse James Died Here
  • Interests
    Family, Fly Fishing, Music, Canoes

swilson's Achievements

Chestnut Lamprey

Chestnut Lamprey (2/89)



  1. Gentlemen, with all due respect to your abundant wisdom in subjects of nature and fishing; your attitude toward cardiac rhythm disturbances seems ill-advised. I am not a doctor, but I did work as an ambulance paramedic for many years. I worked on a lot of resuscitation attempts on men who knew something was 'off' in their heartbeat, but did not take the time to get examined by a cardiologist, for what ever reason. Worst case leaves widows, children and friends mourning their passing. Lord forbid that you all might have 'pre-lethal arrhythmias' - but you all cannot know without medical examination and diagnosis. Is it worth the risk to avoid the doctor or the cost? If you are not a mechanic and your vehicle has an intermittent miss, sputters and misfires - do you take it to a mechanic? The heart's conduction system is electromechanical and biochemical. Personally, it is not my concern, but as a fellow man (with heart rhythm maintained by a pill) , it is worth the time and effort to get it checked out. Just my opinion. Take it or leave it. No offense.
  2. Ness, I try to fish there every year as well. My folks started taking me there in the early sixties. The markings on this fish were like none I had ever seen - some things reminded me of rainbow, even cutthroat (gill plate and body color), but those connected spots looked like a 'reverse brookie'?! Thought maybe someone could explain such a unique hybrid pattern. Unintended consequences of hatchery breeding?
  3. It was the 'tiger' or reticulated spots/stripes that had me wondering. Could not find a pic of any rainbow or other trout with that marking. "FrankenTrout", I suppose!
  4. Now, that is funny! Are the 'no GMO' folks going to go after the Hatcheries now?
  5. I had never seen one with a pattern of 'connected dots'.
  6. Landed this fish last weekend in C&R. Spent way too much time online trying to find one with similar markings. Any thoughts as to its makeup?
  7. That is some choice wrap work, Sharps! What kind of bone is your thread burnisher? Or is it antler?
  8. Phillips 7 footer or Boyd 6 foot work great for me on that creek!
  9. Probably should ask this guy - bet he knows: www.gravityglue.com
  10. I am guessing you talked Tom Shipley, of 'Brewer and Shipley' duo, famous for song "one toke over the line' in late 60's early 70's. Lives up by Rolla. Retired from University there in Video production. Not real public with his personal life. Fishes that area a lot. Very personable. Quite experienced and well-versed in fly fishing around those parts. Probably find threads about him on the forum if you search his name. steve
  11. Found a record fish caught on 21 April 2006 on this site: http://www.outdoorce...6/05/08a4a2.asp
  12. swilson

    Eagles Park

    Went by there last week on way to Tan Vat...looked like there were folks camped by the road...but, sign says it is for sale.Link (scroll down)
  13. E-mail sent
  14. Ray was THE Man for bamboo rod repairs in this neck of the woods. Always had time to stop and talk about anything to do with flyfishing. He told me when he worked in his Dad's hardware store they sold the brand name bamboos like Grangers, Wright& McGill Grangers, Southbend, etc. Ray had forgotten more about classic bamboo than most of us will ever know. He performed repairs par excellance on all my old split cane rods, usually turning tnem around in less than a week!! His shop was a true haven for 'old school' fly fishers....don't know where I'll go now for advice and primo repair work....Rest in Peace, Brother Ray.
  15. some options
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