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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by denjac

  1. Redbuds.
  2. I remember in the mid 70's when they stocked tiger muskies. They are a hybrid. They figured out real quick they were wrong for the fisherie and stopped stocking them. Then just let nature take its course and let them die out. I even vaguely remember a bounty being put on them.
  3. Way to stick to it and put together a limit. Nice to see a non ned report.
  4. I would say if you have to drive through private property to get to them they are off limits.
  5. A good day indeed. Way to catch em.
  6. We need to go to mobile bay Bill. Stay on Dauphin island. I know where those big reds live.
  7. It's open year round.
  8. Happy Birthday Bill !
  9. It's bill probably broke off on its trip through the flood gates.
  10. Wrench, I tell them that all the time. You ought to try fishing with those two. Sometimes I throw up a bit in my mouth it gets so gooey sweet.
  11. Since they started I haven't taken my boat across it. One little bobble and you have torn a fender off or a wheel.
  12. The website is a start , but the phone app is where the money is. I would concentrate on that too. Then multiple lakes. Then nation wide. This is kinda like shark tank eh?
  13. Will the phone app be free or cost? Makes no difference to me , think it's a great idea. Will donation insure any perks ? Like free ads or apps?
  14. Yeh, after posting that I am sure I sealed my doom. Failure is bound to incur now.
  15. Ya wanna know why nobody works on yamahas? No money in it. They never break down!
  16. Happy Thanksgiving all.
  17. Looks like arkansas is taking the stance you pee in my pond, I will pee in yours! Hope everyone concerned backs down.
  18. I never had a fish laugh at any of my older boats that I used to own. Go for it.
  19. I noticed the quail population declined at the same time the turkey was restocked in missouri in the late 70s early 80s. The experts say no way but I have my doupts.
  20. Way to catch em . It's been tough for me this week. Tuesday was decent day from indian point to 86 campground. Wednesday went to eagle rock. Two boats out fished from eagle rock to almost Shell knob. We caught maybe a dozen with no keeps. The other boat a little better. Yesterday, dam area, couldn't get bit until 10am and managed to get 7 or 8 with 1 keeper.
  21. Whopper plopper a small bait? Hate to see what you call big. Lol
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