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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. Last night he went 4-5 with a game winning grand slam in the 8th. Last out of the game, he had a shot hit to him, laid out on the grass to snag it with his head pointing directly away from first, jumped up and threw the runner out. Incredible play. He now leads MLB in batting with a .347 average.
  2. Quillback


  3. Thanks for the pics, neat stuff.
  4. Quillback


    I used to fish little streams like the one in Devan's pic when I lived in Washington. Find them on a map, walk in, and you'd have fish that had never been fished for. You'd have to be stealthy, but like Devan said, if you did not spook them, they'd crush a fly. Only drawback was they were little fish, a 10" fish was a monster.
  5. I'm not going to buy one, but I'll try and talk one of my fishing buddies into buying one. If they catch a bunch of fish, then I might get one or two.
  6. Interesting I thought Channa was a made up marketing name. When I was living in Washington the grocery stores were trying to sell chum salmon, aka dog salmon as "Silver Brite" salmon.
  7. Thanks for the info! Nice cool mornings lately to boot.
  8. I still use the ol' manual fillet knife. That being said, an electric knife in great when you're looking at 50 bluegill to fillet. I see they now have rechargeable lithium knives. They ain't cheap.
  9. Why did they rename them? Snakeheads they are, bonk them and fillet.
  10. I'm good with 9/21. Any google eye in that river?
  11. It's not a float trip without them.
  12. Bobby is 12 for 15 since the All-Star break ended. 4 straight 3 hit games. Last night he had a homer, triple, and a double. Royals have won all 4 games since the break ended.
  13. Arkansas state law (last I checked) requires you have an ID on them. Could not see any on the decoys we saw today, but we did not get real close to them. They can certainly swim off with them. Several years ago I was fishing on Beaver near where War Eagle and the White river channels intersect. Down the White river channel came a clorx jug being towed by something and it was going fast enough that it was putting out a little wake. It just kept on going downstream and eventually disappeared from site, never slowed down and moved in a straight line. I don't like to mess with someone else's stuff, but I sort of wanted to see what was on the end of that line, but sort of didn't want to mess with whatever it was. If I was going to jug fish, I'd certainly keep an eye on them and rotate through them periodically to check bait and make sure they weren't hung up.
  14. Usually takes food, and lots of it to get me there.
  15. In spite of the arm-twisting I am still in the "might" column. I don't have a floater boat either so I'd have to bum a seat from someone.
  16. You're not going to believe this, but I have Dutch as a witness. Today we saw two, not one, but two duck decoys being used as floats. One of them was moving around a bit, but we didn't pull it to see what was on. Duck decoys as floats must be a thing these days. Beaver lake BTW. @snagged in outlet 3
  17. Dutch and myself launched at about 0600 and fished until 1145. The first three hours were tough, we threw jigs mostly and had 4 bass, 3 of them smallie,s to the boat. Bites were few and far between. We went back in a cove and weren't doing much when we saw some fish chasing shad on top. Dutch was pretty sure they were white bass and once we started catching them, he was right except there were also some black bass and even a few small stripers mixed in. We caught something like 30 on 2.8 Keitechs. If you could get that Keitech on them when they were on top, they'd most likely hit it. But most of them came from swimming the Keitech in water that was anywhere from 20-45 feet deep. Some were 5 feet down some were 25 feet down, let it drop, reel it a bit and let it drop, that's how we got most of our bites. The fish were all decent fish, we had 6 or 7 black bass keepers, couple that were 2.5 lbs. I weighed one of the whites and it was just shy of being 2.5 lbs. The rest were in the 1-2 lb. range, nice solid white bass, I kept 5 of the whites. WT 82
  18. I get those emails just about every day. Must be having trouble selling seats. If they were at a local club, and free, with only a few people there, I'd go see them. Otherwise, nope.
  19. I would like to go, but tough for me to get away for a long day.
  20. Testing for DNA? I'd be testing for rabies if I was that dude. A house cat jumping on a dude riding a dirt bike has to be rabid.
  21. I don't know if it is coincidence, but ever since this thread started I've been hearing barred owls hooting every morning when I walk the dog.
  22. From AGFC: White River Flooding Due to rainfall in North-Central Arkansas over the past 24 hours, many AGFC access areas on the White River (Bull Shoals Tailwater) from Buffalo City downstream are currently underwater (see video of flooding at Norfork Access from today). Estimates of 6-10 inches of rain have been reported in the area and water levels are continuing to rise on the lower White River. During and after this flood, we urge anglers to use extreme caution while boating on the river. While debris from floods is not unusual, we expect it will be even worse given the tornados that affected the area in late May. Large debris, including logs, root wads, and boulders, can be displaced by the flood waters, and the ability to see them will be limited. When the flood waters recede, AGFC will work quickly to address clean up and repairs at access areas. We expect many areas will have piles of debris and/or silt and sand covering the ramps. Thank you in advance for your patience as we work to address any issues.
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