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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. Got to the launch a little late this morning, wish I had gotten there at daylight. I say that because when I got to the launch there was striper activity on top, right out on front of the launch. I only lasted for an hour or so, fish were a little finicky as to what they wanted, but I did manage to get one in the boat that I estimate was about 8 lbs. Caught it on a tail spinner. After the striper activity stopped, I went up Indian creek and threw the Ned around. Caught 8 bass, 12-15" fish, mostly spots. Fish were for the most part in 10-15 FOW. Scattered, never found a bunch of them in one place. Caught a walleye that was just a shade over 18", it joined the striper in the live well. WT 48. This post has been promoted to an article
  2. Hope it works out for you!
  3. Sweet! I plan on fishing it soon.
  4. I haven't seen the Witches of Eastwick in many moons, so long I can't remember the story line. I'll have to watch it again.
  5. The African Queen is a good one. There's a few jack Nicholson movies I really like. The Last Detail One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest Chinatown
  6. Ok, I sense that first weekend in March is the best for all concerned. Need to get a roster going so we know how many are planning to attend and reserve accommodations accordingly. So here is what I have Myself DC Senior Wounded One Little Red Jesters HK and a buddy or three GotMuddy? Terrierman (good, strong probably) Johns Folly Zigjigman If you're not on this list and plan on attending, please reply and I will add you.
  7. It looks like people are favoring the first weekend in March.
  8. Wow, you got a lot more rain up there than we got down here. I think around 6/10th's of an inch total here. But, have to like the forecast for next week, I am also planning on fishing as much as I can, but may be fishing Beaver and the Bella Vista lakes in addition to TR. Yeah go ahead and get those bigguns out of my way, I don't want them interfering with the Ned rig bite. 🙂
  9. Accomodations are still open at Riley's for that weekend and the first weekend of March. March begins spring rates so it will be a bit more expensive. Hopefully everyone gets decoyed up to the dam and leaves the rest of the river to us. 😃
  10. Seems like the best date in February as far as working with everyone's schedules. I will also throw out the 1st weekend in March as another choice.
  11. Are we doing one? Who is in?
  12. Almost forgot what a Walter is, I haven't caught one since spring. I'm due for one.
  13. Finally got a break in the weather and had above freezing temps when we launched first thing in the morning. Wind was in the forecast, but it didn't kick up for a few hours and that enabled us to get in some Ned fishing in good conditions. Ned bite right now is good if you are on the right banks, those banks being steep chunk rock, bluffs, and rocky points. Some of those locations have them, some don't, if I'm fishing a likely bank and don't get any action, don't see anything on the finder, I'll move. The fish will bite the Ned right now, you just need to get on them. We put around 25 in the boat and if the wind had not started blowing around 10 AM making fishing that Ned deep difficult, we would've done better. No big fish, but we had 6 or 7 keepers and quite a few spots in the 14 inch range. I enjoy catching them on light tackle, but it's not going to win a best 5 tourney. Smallmouth bite was good for that part of the lake, I think we had around 8 smallies, 3 of them were solid keepers. Had a couple get off right at the boat too. Look like some pretty strong winds hit a few parts of the lake last week. One hundred yard stretch of bank had not only uprooted cedars, but also had some that were snapped off at the trunk. Takes a strong wind to do that. Looks like some pretty good weather after we get through this rain. WT 47-48. This post has been promoted to an article
  14. I have eaten elk and it is good stuff, congrats!
  15. Finally got a break in the weather and had above freezing temps when we launched first thing in the morning. Wind was in the forecast, but it didn't kick up for a few hours and that enabled us to get in some Ned fishing in good conditions. Ned bite right now is good if you are on the right banks, those banks being steep chunk rock, bluffs, and rocky points. Some of those locations have them, some don't, if I'm fishing a likely bank and don't get any action, don't see anything on the finder, I'll move. The fish will bite the Ned right now, you just need to get on them. We put around 25 in the boat and if the wind had not started blowing around 10 AM making fishing that Ned deep difficult, we would've done better. No big fish, but we had 6 or 7 keepers and quite a few spots in the 14 inch range. I enjoy catching them on light tackle, but it's not going to win a best 5 tourney. Smallmouth bite was good for that part of the lake, I think we had around 8 smallies, 3 of them were solid keepers. Had a couple get off right at the boat too. Look like some pretty strong winds hit a few parts of the lake last week. One hundred yard stretch of bank had not only uprooted cedars, but also had some that were snapped off at the trunk. Takes a strong wind to do that. Looks like some pretty good weather after we get through this rain. WT 47-48.
  16. It would be good to have someone that fishes that lake regularly post some reports here, but it hasn't happened. I haven't fished it myself in a couple of years.
  17. Man that is a bunch of slabs, I'm getting the urge to get out there.
  18. Bring it on! If it can out fish a Ned rig in the winter, I'll be all over it.
  19. Very nice looking bait! Have you done any cold water fishing with it in lakes?
  20. Wow, what a giant! Congrats!
  21. Yep, here you are at the airport:
  22. Being retired helps..
  23. Thanks for doing that, glad to hear Miles is good with it. I'm good with February, I would push for a date later in the month as there's a better chance of somewhat better weather, even though it is typically a volatile month as far as weather.
  24. Sorry, I'll edit that out. Rileys - 870.425.4221
  25. Congrats to him on the pig! Brought this to mind:
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